2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition

November 3 – December 3, 2020
Virtual Event
Open to the public
Free of charge
The Stamps School’s annual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition is a showcase of the best work produced by Stamps undergraduate students.
In 2020, the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition shifts from its traditional format to a “digital first” exhibition featuring photo documentation and video artist statements of student work online. Students will be engaged in a virtual public event hosted by Stamps Gallery.
A highly anticipated Stamps School tradition, the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition provides an opportunity for the school to support students whose creative work is recognized as exceptional by invited jurors, with awards announced at the top of the exhibition.
Curatorial Vision
This year has provided artists, designers, curators, and cultural institutions around the world with an opportunity to investigate how audiences can engage with creative work presented on digital platforms. Documentation of creative work, alongside an artist’s or designer’s ability to communicate effectively about their work, plays a critical role in sparking audience connection. It is an increasingly valuable skill for our students to master as they seek to bring their work to the general public in dynamic new ways.
Nancy Lorenz (BFA ’85) earned a BFA Summa Cum Laude in Painting and Printmaking at the University of Michigan. She received a MFA in Painting from the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and Rome, and a John Simon Guggenheim Award in 1998. Lorenz lives and works in New York City.
Ian Matchett (BFA ’14) is a 29 year old artist and organizer living in Detroit, Michigan. Since graduating from Stamps, he has maintained a studio practice while helping build the Michigan Student Power Network and The Brick and Mortar Collective. His figurative paintings focus on the drives and humanity of organizers and revolutionaries.
After graduating from Cass Technical High School and the Stamps School of Art and Design, Elizabeth Youngblood (’73) went on to Cranbrook Academy of Art, where she earned her MFA. She has served on faculty at Stamps and SUNY Purchase, New York, managed branding with Unisys, and art directed for The New York Times. Since returning to her native Detroit, she maintains a self-directed studio practice and shows nationally.
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- 2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Opening - November 14, 2020

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