Audio is very interesting because of its ubiquity and the humans constant interaction with it every day. However, representing it in a way that opposes its natural state by placing it into a physical environment challenges the connection our sense of sight, touch and hearing have with one another. When I originally looked at waveforms I was curious as to how it was decided that we visualize audio in the forms we do today. Since audio is only detected by our ears I wanted to explore pulling it out of its natural realm by putting it into a physical one, where we can feel what we hear and visualize audio in a different way in which tactility becomes the main sensory driver. When creating this nine piece project I was brought to the idea of seeing and perceiving, where no two things are alike. In many ways that is true and I wanted to create different pieces that represented that idea. Using the original audio waveforms from dropped quarters hitting the floor at the same distance repetitively, I manipulated the audio signatures into different explorational ways of representing their sound. Emphasizing the major frequency changes in their audio patterns.