We’re so glad you’re interested in joining our community, and we can’t wait to see what you create. Sign up below and we’ll be in touch with additional information on the admissions process and upcoming events.
Virtual Events
Join us for a virtual event! These are the best way to get to know the transfer experience at Stamps.
Transfer Information Sessions: monthly hour-long info sessions on undergraduate programs at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design.
Individual Meetings: chat with a member of the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design admissions team for an extended, 15-minute session.
M‑Connect: guidance, mentorship, and resources for students attending Henry Ford College, Jackson College, Macomb Community College, Oakland Community College, Schoolcraft College, and the Wayne County Community College District
The Transfer How-To
What’s Your Transfer Story?
Students make the choice to transfer to Stamps for a wide variety of reasons, including:
Multidisciplinary work and creative collaborations across campus.
Access to a range of equipment and experts.
International Experience requirement.
Joining a community of artists and designers.
I wasn’t ready in high school, but I’m ready now.
Financial planning.
Learn more in these recent profiles of Stamps Transfer Students: