2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Award Winners
The Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design proudly celebrates the exceptional work by our undergraduate students in art and design through the 2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition.
Presented virtually this year, the exhibition features photo documentation and video artist statements of student work online.
The jurors for this exhibition – painter and printmaker Nancy Lorenz (BFA '85); painter and community organizer Ian Matchett (BFA '14); and artist/designer Elizabeth Youngblood ('73) – selected the works in the exhibition, recognizing ten works (featured below) with awards.
Sarah Chan (BFA ‘22)
Arden Fate Memorial Award
Established by friends and colleagues in memory of W. Arden Fate, an avid metalworker, this is awarded to a student demonstrating excellence in metalwork or similar area.

Samantha Greenhill (BFA ‘22)
Guy Palazzola Memorial Award
Established in memory of Professor and Associate Dean Emeritus Guy Palazzola for excellent student work at the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition.

Valerie Matula (BFA ‘21)
Opportunity Fund Award
Awarded from the Stamps School of Art and Design Stamps Opportunity Fund, a fund supported by annual gifts from donors to provide unrestricted resources to the Stamps School.
Lauren Page (BA ‘21)
Alice Elizabeth Kalom Award
Awarded in loving memory of Alice Elizabeth Kalom (BFA '69) to a senior student for excellence in photography.
Olivia Prado (BFA ‘21)
John H. McCluney Memorial Achievement Award
Established in loving memory of John McCluney (BS DES '67) to provide support to a senior student who displays particular excellence in the area of photography or graphic design.
Rachel Smith (BFA ‘23)
William A. Lewis Watercolor Prize
Established by Professor and Associate Dean Emeritus William A. Lewis (BDES '48) to support excellence in watercolor by undergraduate students.

Amanda Webster (BFA ‘24)
William Carter Award
Established by Professor Emeritus William T. Carter (AB '48 and ARCH '52) and awarded to a first year student with an interest in industrial design, whose work demonstrates a primary regard for factors of human health and safety, while realizing the most aesthetic potential of the materials employed in the design.

Jacob Yu (BFA’23)
Guy Palazzola Memorial Award
Established in memory of Professor and Associate Dean Emeritus Guy Palazzola for excellent student work at the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition.

Shannon Zheng (BA ‘22)
Irene Bychinsky Bendler Award in Design
Established by the estate of Irene Bychinsky Bendler (AB '31) to award to promising undergraduate students to encourage further study and excellence in design.

Stamps Gallery will celebrate the exhibition participants and award recipients this Saturday, November 14 from 2-3:30 pm at the 2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Virtual Opening Reception on Zoom. The event also includes a group discussion with the exhibition jurors on ways creative practitioners are adapting art and design practices and exhibitions in an age of digital-first shows, social isolation, and political uncertainty.