2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Opening

Saturday, November 14, 2020
3:00 pm
Virtual Event
Reception / Open House
Open to the public
Free of charge
Stamps Gallery presents the 2020 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Virtual Opening Reception on Zoom, November 14, from 2:00 — 3:30 pm. Exhibition jurors Nancy Lorenz, Ian Matchett, and Elizabeth Youngblood will lead students and audience members in conversations on adapting art and design practices, and exhibitions in an age of digital-first shows, social isolation, and political uncertainty.
The virtual reception will open with remarks from Stamps Gallery Director Srimoyee Mitra and an awards presentation by Associate Dean for Academic Programs Brad Smith.
Following the awards presentation, each of our esteemed jurors will lead one of three breakout rooms in conversation.
Finally, the main Zoom room will reconvene and jurors will share conclusions from their conversations with students and audience members, and the reception will draw to a close.
Stamps events are free and open to the public, and we are committed to making them accessible to all attendees. This event will be online using the Zoom platform with an auto-generated Live Transcript available. If you anticipate needing any additional accommodations to participate, please email jhrohrer@umich.edu at least one week in advance of the scheduled event so we can arrange for your accommodation or an effective alternative. After receiving your request, our team will follow up with you directly.