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A soft sculpture featuring two abstract shapes in a patchwork pattern

A Domestic Object

Yeager Edwards

This piece is called A Domestic Object because I wanted to explore what it means for something to be domestic. Choosing to base this sculpture off of a bong, an object meant specifically for a domestic setting, for sharing, for communal experiences of relaxation, but also one that is steeped in gendered, stoner-bro masculinity, I pose these questions: For an object to be considered domestic, does it just need to be in a domestic setting? Or does this term have more encompassing meanings of comfort, sexuality, gender, and community?

While this piece was created before the start of the COVID-19 breakout, it has increased in relevance as the lockdown measures have lead to an increase in substance use as both a means of coping with the constant stressors of life in 2020 and a way to pass the seemingly unending hours stuck inside.

Artist Statement Video:

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