2024 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition

February 9 – 24, 2024
In-person Event
Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
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Open to the public
Free of charge
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The Stamps School’s annual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition is a showcase of outstanding work produced by Stamps undergraduate students taking place at Stamps Gallery from February 9 – 24, 2024.
A highly anticipated Stamps School tradition, the objectives of the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition are:
- To encourage and inspire undergraduates to create high-caliber and ambitious artwork.
- To create an opportunity where all undergraduates can develop the experience, knowledge, and skills in preparing an application for a juried exhibition.
- To foster a vibrant culture of participating in exhibitions and public programs at Stamps School.
- Engage the broader Stamps community such as the alumni and friends to participate in the exhibition as jurors and audience members.
Parisa Ghaderi is an Assistant Professor of Visual Communications Technology at Shoreline Community College. Born and raised in Iran, Parisa holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. Her artwork has garnered recognition and been displayed in esteemed galleries and museums, including Musée d’Art moderne de Paris, Craft and Folk Art Museum Los Angeles Museum, The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, and the Grand Rapids Art Museum to name a few. Ghaderi was named the 2023 Envision: Michigan Artist Initative Award Winner at Stamps Gallery, University of Michigan . Through her art, Parisa delves into themes of identity, belonging, and social issues, employing a diverse range of mediums and techniques. Her creative vision extends beyond visual art, as she has curated thought-provoking exhibitions, directed performances, and created engaging short films and animations.
Jova Lynne is a multi-disciplinary artist and curator artist born and raised in New York City, of Jamaican and Colombian heritage. She is interested in the cognitive dissonance one experiences when navigating material, text, and media-based archives specifically as it relates to Black culture. Lynne completed a Bachelor’s degree at Hampshire College and obtained a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2017. Lynne was appointed the inaugural Artistic Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) in 2022. She joined the organization in 2017 as a Ford Foundation curatorial fellow, and in 2019, she became the Susanne Feld Hillberry senior curator. Lynne has curated several notable exhibitions at MOCAD, including Nep Sidhu: Paradox of Harmonics, Dream Hampton’s Fresh Water, 2+2=8: Thirty Years Heidelberg, Dual Vision, Amna Asghar: Well Wishes, and many more. She has also worked at the Museum of Moving Image in Queens, New York, and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, California.
Dalia Reyes is a curator and an interdisciplinary artist from southwest Detroit. She is currently the Gallery Director for the historic Scarab Club located in Midtown Detroit. She received a BA in Fine Arts Studies from College for Creative Studies in 2010. Dalia has been in the arts sector for 19 years; working in mostly arts and culture based non-profit organizations ranging from local galleries, arts fellowship organizations and museums. Dalia has exhibited her own work and has curated exhibitions in and around the city of Detroit and Mexico. Her work is cosmic, meditative and focuses on a metaphysical curiosity as well as surreal imagery.
- Deadline for Submissions: November 26, 2023
- Juror Decisions Announced: December 18, 2023
- Award Recipients Notified: February 2, 2024
- Exhibition Opening Reception at Stamps Gallery: February 9, 2024
- Exhibition Dates: February 9 – 24, 2024
For more information, contact stamps-gallery@umich.edu.
Related Events
- 2024 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Opening Reception - February 9, 2024
- 2024 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Walkthrough - February 10, 2024

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Gillian Donoghue: I Crave Permanence
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Yassmine El-Rewini: Long Live the Children of Palestine
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Maria Garcia Rivera: To Love Despite Distance and TimeUNDERGRADUATEAs an immigrant, I've grown up without physical proximity to my extended family in Guatemala. Rec...
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Julian Kane: Lester & Lee
Julian Kane: Lester & LeeUNDERGRADUATEThis is a letter book written with language revolving around L words. It focuses on two siblings ...
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Martha Sprout: Self Portrait
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Jaelynn Sviglin-Krell: Self Portrait
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Ana Swanson: Gavin the Goat
Ana Swanson: Gavin the GoatUNDERGRADUATEOne of my favorite animals is a mountain goat, and through Gavin the Goat I was able to convey it...
Natalie Thornton: Blindfold
Natalie Thornton: BlindfoldUNDERGRADUATEGrowing up Asian-American I encountered a lot of racially motivated jokes and micro-aggressions. ...
Kara Vaka: The Dance (Stamps Short Film 2023)
Kara Vaka: The Dance (Stamps Short Film 2023)UNDERGRADUATEFailure is experienced everywhere - all the time - yet so many are afraid of it. I wanted to expl...
Maddie Vassalo: The Conspiracy Collection
Maddie Vassalo: The Conspiracy CollectionUNDERGRADUATEThis mini collection is an exploration of popular conspiracy theories and how they spread in our ...
Aryn Weil: What if?
Aryn Weil: What if?UNDERGRADUATEThis is a self-directed piece of my great-great-grandmother and what would be her immigration car...
Josh Weiss: Form
Josh Weiss: FormUNDERGRADUATEForm is an artist book that embodies the concept of form itself. Transcending conventional book s...
Preston Williams: Moved Around
Preston Williams: Moved AroundUNDERGRADUATEGnarled flesh stretches over despondent ribs. Organs migrate toward the core, slowly solidifying ...
Yuchen Wu: UrMug
Yuchen Wu: UrMugUNDERGRADUATEUrMug is a pop-up art project that aims to bring linguistic and cultural diversity to the UM camp...
Sonia Xiang: istheresomeonehome?
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201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
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- Sunday: Closed
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Friday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm