this piece was the final project for the "where do paintings come from?" class i took in 2022, as a culmination of work over the whole semester . it's a collision of art, science, and a tad of existentialism .
my influences lie in the innate fascination i have with the human body and how it moves beneath the surface (hence the name) . bodies both in motion and in stillness hold energy in places we can't see through the blood in our veins and the ligaments holding our musculature together, but the small electric pulses within continue to drive us forward without recognition - this piece is a bit of a metaphor in regards to wanting to be seen as something more .
microscopic skin cells and hidden uv elements add to the mystery behind our figures, and a separation i sometimes feel between me and my own skin . i hope viewers can see the intentional dig i’m making into those unseen parts of ourselves .