Mind Your Head: The 2016 Stamps Senior Show

April 14 – 29, 2016
In-person Event
Work: Ann Arbor
Special Event
Open to the public
Free of charge
Mind Your Head: The 2016 Stamps Senior Show features work in a range of media by 92 graduating BFA, BA, and Interarts students at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan. The exhibition unfolds over 17 days in five exhibition sites throughout the city of Ann Arbor: Michigan Theater, Duderstadt Video Studio, Slusser Gallery, Work Gallery, and Argus Building. Each space will be host to key exhibition events including film/video screenings, live performance, and opening receptions. The exhibition is free and open to the public.
Exhibition Openings & Events
Thursday, April 14
- Screenings: Michigan Theater, 603 East Liberty Street, 4 — 5:30 pm
- Live performance and Screenings: Duderstadt Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard, 7 pm
Friday, April 15
- Opening Reception: Slusser Gallery, 2000 Bonisteel Boulevard, 5 — 8 pm
- Live performance and Screenings: Duderstadt Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard, 7 pm
Saturday, April 16
- Opening Reception: Work Gallery, 306 South State Street, 5 — 8 pm
- Opening Reception: Argus II Building, 400 Fourth Street, 6 — 9 pm
Mind Your Head: The 2016 Stamps Senior Show will be on display at Slusser, Work, and Argus II galleries from April 15 — 30, 2016.
Michael Abboreno: Zephyr - Giving Life through Cooling
Michael Abboreno: Zephyr - Giving Life through CoolingMultiple Sclerosis is a neurological disease that causes lesions to form on the brain and spinal ...
Lindsey Abdale: The Universe in a Tree
Lindsey Abdale: The Universe in a Tree"And all the lives we ever livedAnd all the lives to be,Are full of trees and waving leaves.Luria...
Derick Adams: John Osby
Derick Adams: John OsbyCombining golf and urban artwork to transform the experience and form of golf in order to make go...
Zoe Andersen: The Little Luminary
Zoe Andersen: The Little LuminaryIn the middle of a dark forest, with only a small candle in her chest to light her way, the Littl...
Kara Argue: Goodbye Haven
Kara Argue: Goodbye HavenBasil can't move on without Adelaide. Adelaide can't move on.A comic about the need for stability...
Connor Bade: Kin
Connor Bade: KinI have made 3 photo books that take biblical archetypes from 3 stories in the bible, Genesis, Exo...
Eryn Baker: Cyclical
Eryn Baker: CyclicalMade entirely of paper using a technique called quilling, Cyclical cascades from tree branches to...
Michael Benkarski: Coniferous Couch
Michael Benkarski: Coniferous CouchThe objective of the Coniferous Couch is to bring a comfortable and flexible environment to stude...
Christina Bennett: "You need to get out more."
Christina Bennett: "You need to get out more."Everyone wants the solution to depression to be simple. But it's not. It can't be when those expe...
Jiaqi Bi: (un)Style
Jiaqi Bi: (un)StyleAs an image maker, I challenge the predetermined shaped of garments and open up possibilities thr...
Alexa Borromeo: stay out of the sun: a colonized consciousness
Alexa Borromeo: stay out of the sun: a colonized consciousnessA multi-screen video installation of self-inflicted body performances that challenge the Filipin@...
Brianna Broderick: Flux
Brianna Broderick: FluxAn installation of over 80 crocheted forms made from sterling silver and beeswax. The piece follo...
Raj Brueggemann: The World is Ours
Raj Brueggemann: The World is OursThe World is Ours is a short animated film examining the dynamic of individuals living through th...
Danielle Buffa: Noodle
Danielle Buffa: NoodleNoodle is a multi-player game that focuses on the synergy of what color, textures, and adjectives...
Julia Callis: Please, forgive the Mattress Blue
Julia Callis: Please, forgive the Mattress BlueTossed out road pancakesThe sky, arid suffocationA tangible stream of uncut colorPlease, forgive ...
Wes Chase: Safety should never be a luxury
Wes Chase: Safety should never be a luxuryThrough the process of design and fabrication I am investigating if is it possible to manufacture...
Nicole Cischke: The World Below
Nicole Cischke: The World BelowThe World Below is a 2D side scrolling video game influenced by Filipino mythology and folklore. ...
Emma Covode: Floppy Phallics
Emma Covode: Floppy PhallicsEmma is investigating the connections between western norms of masculinity and the design of fire...
Maya Crosman: The Civic Subconscious
Maya Crosman: The Civic SubconsciousA 12 x 12 (x 8) foot walk-through installation made up of digitally fabricated surfaces that stru...
Gabrielle DeCaro: FORGET YOUR KITTENFORGET YOUR KITTEN: A variety show offering a sanguine blend of stories, dance sequences, and hi-...
Cara Denton: Poisoned Palette
Cara Denton: Poisoned PaletteA series of hand dyed and skill screen printed fabric whose prints are all inspired by poisonous ...
Emily Dibble: You Touched Me
Emily Dibble: You Touched MeYou Touched Me explores the physical interactions of bodies and paint. Each figure in the paintin...
Mary Dudek: A Stone's Throw
Mary Dudek: A Stone's ThrowA figural representation of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery found in the New Testament. Th...
Jacob Dwyer: Eyes Out
Jacob Dwyer: Eyes OutEyes Out is a graphic novel that follows two brothers after an augmented reality device malfuncti...
John Ellefson: Thermocline
John Ellefson: ThermoclineMy thesis is an exploration of my fascination with the thermodynamics of epoxy resin through desi...
Hannah Ervin: Familiar Faces
Hannah Ervin: Familiar Faces28 portraits of family members emphasize the importance of looking past familial labels, to disco...
Marc Ferraro: Instant Disassembly
Marc Ferraro: Instant DisassemblyA series of abstract paintings that have been painted over and over again, containing layers of p...
Elizabeth Fine: Extremities
Elizabeth Fine: ExtremitiesExtremities is a series of large-scale paintings that explore the relationships between the edges...
Carly Fishman: Real Fake Real Life
Mariisa Franz: Sincerely, Parkinson's
Mariisa Franz: Sincerely, Parkinson'sTwo writing utensils that explore how the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease affects communication ...
Jessica French: Mythological Birds
Jessica French: Mythological Birds"Mythological Birds" is a series of digital paintings of birdlike creatures from folklore. Each p...
Andrew Fuller: Legal Private Killer Volume One
Andrew Fuller: Legal Private Killer Volume OneA comic book/graphic narrative that is part one in a potential series that follows the lives of t...
Gina Garavalia: The Wishing Stone
Gina Garavalia: The Wishing StoneTHE WISHING STONE is an animated television series concept about family, friendship, and persever...
Becca Garber: Testaments To Practice
Becca Garber: Testaments To PracticeI will be presenting 54 finished pieces of pottery. They will be displayed on their own individua...
Daniel Ghastin: This Is Not A Portrait Of Marlon Brando
Daniel Ghastin: This Is Not A Portrait Of Marlon BrandoThis Is Not A Portrait Of Marlon Brando is a performance that demonstrates the central tenant of ...
Jenna Guswiler: Suspense Aligned
Jenna Guswiler: Suspense AlignedSuspense Aligned explores the formal relationship between space, form, and color. It uses indepen...
Georgia Hampton: The Modern Girl's Field Guide to Lipstick, Losers, and Life
Georgia Hampton: The Modern Girl's Field Guide to Lipstick, Losers, and LifeThe experience of being a young woman is at best empowering, but at worst extremely confusing. I ...
Linh-Yen Hoang: In My Own Little Box
Linh-Yen Hoang: In My Own Little BoxFor my Integrative Project, I am creating a packaging and product design that holds customized bu...
Sean Horner: Sagas
Sean Horner: SagasSagas is an audiovisual performance exploring the concepts of communication, translation, and noi...
Nikki Horowitz: PERSONAL PROJECTIONSPERSONAL PROJECTIONS is a collaborative multimedia video installation, in which students from the...
Dillon Irwin: Shadows of a Sighting
Dillon Irwin: Shadows of a SightingPulling from the traditions of globally distinct tattoo cultures, this set of flash uses ink on p...
Catherine Jung: Stitched
Catherine Jung: StitchedBy embroidering large scale photographs from my childhood, I am adding my own personal memories a...
Rebecca Julianne Kephart: Lumen Obscura
Rebecca Julianne Kephart: Lumen ObscuraHow do you relate the intangible to the tangible? Lumen Obscura is a meditative light experience ...
Doo Hyun Kim: In Light of Shadows
Doo Hyun Kim: In Light of ShadowsThis architectural structure provides a tranquil experience that expands the cultural recognition...
Sarah Knoll: A Delicate Obssesion
Sarah Knoll: A Delicate ObssesionA Delicate Obssesionis a series of hardened sugar sculptures. The series is very much about the p...
Sidney Krandall: It's not a problem, until It's yours.
Sidney Krandall: It's not a problem, until It's yours.Disability is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a physical or mental i...
Colin Leach: Layered Self
Colin Leach: Layered SelfLayered Self is a collection of ever changing memories captured in space. Compiling images, objec...
Sanghyun Lee: Borrowed Presence
Sanghyun Lee: Borrowed PresenceBorrowed Presence simulates the presence of a person who has a meaningful relationship with the u...
Jean Lin: Hikikomori
Jean Lin: HikikomoriHikikomori is a Japanese term that refers to the state of acute social withdrawal, or a person wi...
Beatriz Lozano: The Adobe Ceiling
Beatriz Lozano: The Adobe CeilingThe Adobe Ceiling is a multipart audio and sculptural installation that explores the personal and...
Laura Maier: 59 Hartington Rd
Laura Maier: 59 Hartington Rd59 Hartington Rd is a series of illustrations that convey the confusion of being a third generati...
Ellen Manson: It Was The Way She Said It
Ellen Manson: It Was The Way She Said ItFive books tell the story of a mother, a wife, the decisions she made and her reflections as she ...
Manami Maxted: CLAMMING UP
Manami Maxted: CLAMMING UPCLAMMING UP is the manifestation of a metaphorical, introspective investigation of the artist's e...
Constanza McKinstry: The Inside Counts
Constanza McKinstry: The Inside CountsThe Inside Counts is an installation that consists of sculptural objects and photographs that exp...
Morgan Nelson: SPAM
Bianca Ng: A Better Conversation With Myself
Bianca Ng: A Better Conversation With MyselfA collection of black and white visual narratives exploring shame and vulnerability through perso...
Hayden Nickel: Thoughts Like Bees
Hayden Nickel: Thoughts Like Bees/My thoughts are like bees, they sting me without leaving a mark and then lay dead on the floor o...
Dustin Park: Dogmeat Kimchi & Gaucho Soup
Dustin Park: Dogmeat Kimchi & Gaucho SoupFood is more than just nutrition. It's about identity, bliss, culture, and satisfaction. I plan o...
Jadzia Parker: "Once A Pancake, Always A Pancake" Imitation of Life
Jadzia Parker: "Once A Pancake, Always A Pancake" Imitation of LifeFrom the Aunt Jemimas to the Jezebels, popular use of these characters and those alike have conce...
Elizabeth Pearlman: Relief & Time: In Need of Passionate Abandon
Elizabeth Pearlman: Relief & Time: In Need of Passionate AbandonAn exploration of printmaking and experimental animation by using qualities of each within the ot...
Mitchell Pilon: Music: The Transcendence of Energy
Mitchell Pilon: Music: The Transcendence of EnergyMusic takes you away from ordinary and into a highly saturated imaginative realm. A realm driven ...
Sarah Jane Post: Heart Beats for the Motherboard
Sarah Jane Post: Heart Beats for the MotherboardThis interactive triptych sculpture of wall-mounted circuit boards is composed of video sensors a...
Michelina Risbeck: The Helpless Flame
Michelina Risbeck: The Helpless FlameMy four minute video installation addresses the suffering of my unstable mind reacting to my gran...
Carolyn Rodgers: Her Voice Guided Me
Carolyn Rodgers: Her Voice Guided MeHer Voice Guided Me reflects on how a designer and a visually impaired student helped each other ...
Eva Roos: Remember Your Duty
Eva Roos: Remember Your DutyA world-wide crisis calls for wartime action. Inspired by American WWII propaganda imagery, this ...
Matt Rosner: Isolated Incidents: Bed Room
Matt Rosner: Isolated Incidents: Bed RoomIsolated Incidents: Bed Room is an interactive built room that challenges you to become more awar...
Jenna Rothstein: She's So Lucky, She's a Star
Jenna Rothstein: She's So Lucky, She's a Star┊ ┊ ┊ ┊┊ ┊ ┊ ★ ┊ ┊ ☆ ┊ ★ ☆ ╭━━╮╭╮╭━━━━━┫┃▋▋━▅┃╰┫┈┈┈┈┈┃┃┈┈╰┫╰━┫┈┈┈┈┈╰╯╰┳━╯┊┊┃┏┳┳━━┓┏┳...
Arielle Sanders: We're All Mixed Up
Arielle Sanders: We're All Mixed UpWho am I? Where do I come from? What does it mean to be a person of African descent in America? W...
Jacob Saphier: Twelve Knives
Jacob Saphier: Twelve KnivesThis project is about exploring the process and philosophy of making kitchen knives entirely by h...
Sophie Schneider: Naturally Synthetic: Our Interwoven World
Sophie Schneider: Naturally Synthetic: Our Interwoven WorldThis triptych of digital weavings creates a new space in which to grapple with the ever evolving ...
Natalie Schwartz: Girls Without Pearls
Natalie Schwartz: Girls Without PearlsIt is harder to define what is ugly than what is beautiful. Ugly has infinite possibilities where...
Zoe Schwartz: efflorescence
Zoe Schwartz: efflorescenceAn installation composed of a series of sculptures, prints and a life sized figure captive in a c...
Caroline Shaver: Expectation vs. Reality
Caroline Shaver: Expectation vs. RealityThe Internet makes access to information so ubiquitous that old notions of culture shock must be ...
Orlando Shaw: Menagerie: An Exploration of Man and Beast
Orlando Shaw: Menagerie: An Exploration of Man and BeastMenagerie is an exploration themes of masculinity both in the context of nature and nurture throu...
Justine Smith: Sweet Nothing: A Sugar-Coated Collection of Home and Family
Justine Smith: Sweet Nothing: A Sugar-Coated Collection of Home and FamilySweet Nothing is an installation, recreating a living space with collected items and furniture fr...
Emily Sneideman: Audentia
Emily Sneideman: AudentiaUsing ceramics and illustration, I created an archeological exhibit based on a Roman city of my d...
Rachel Snyder: Abstraction in Motion
Rachel Snyder: Abstraction in MotionA large tunnel book, with four panels that come together to make one image. A variety of prints, ...
Rose Stacey: Like Weeds, We Grow
Rose Stacey: Like Weeds, We GrowI'm adopted, and this is an animation that illustrates the events of my childhood and depicts the...
Eli Stirling: Brightmoor Community Kitchen Cart
Eli Stirling: Brightmoor Community Kitchen CartMy project addresses healthy eating in low-income neighborhoods as a means to engage and revitali...
Sara Stolow: The Healing Box
Sara Stolow: The Healing BoxThe "healing box" is a public art installation, which will create the illusion of a safe and warm...
Carly Strauss: Noon Skate
Carly Strauss: Noon Skate11:58 AM. The first person steps onto the ice, as others are around the corner, entering Yost Are...
Sonia Tagari: Corporeal
Sonia Tagari: CorporealA multi-media installation that investigates self through medical records and diagnostic imaging....
Cheryll Victuelles: The Tyranny of the OR, the Genius of the AND
Cheryll Victuelles: The Tyranny of the OR, the Genius of the ANDThis project is a series of twelve images that explore ethnic identity through memory. These prin...
Benjamin Villella: The Violent Truth
Benjamin Villella: The Violent TruthThe Violent Truth is an exploration of random acts of violence through three personal memories of...
Elise Wescom: Seaside
Elise Wescom: SeasideSeaside is research and the beginning effort of a longer graphic novel. The work on the wall incl...
Cullen Whitmore: Golingo!
Cullen Whitmore: Golingo!What makes a word real? How do new words become a part of our vernacular? Language is fluid, cons...
Zoë Widmer: Does My Undercut Make Me Look Queer?
Zoë Widmer: Does My Undercut Make Me Look Queer?An animation and video project exploring my personal queerness.
Jane Wiley: Plastic Love Dream
Jane Wiley: Plastic Love DreamWe as Americans think of plastic as disposable. At best, recyclable. In our Trash Culture, we hav...
Nicholas Williams: Derelict Dandy
Nicholas Williams: Derelict Dandy1. A Dandy takes pride in the conjuring of an image. 2. Once a Dandy Always a Dandy.3. When you f...
Beatriz Wink: Maddie and the Photon
Beatriz Wink: Maddie and the PhotonThe children's book, like an incident ray of light, refracts through the beautiful prism which is...