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Georgia Hampton: The Modern Girl's Field Guide to Lipstick, Losers, and Life

The Modern Girl's Field Guide to Lipstick, Losers, and Life

Georgia Hampton

The experience of being a young woman is at best empowering, but at worst extremely confusing. I have experienced both sides of this spectrum, and if you're a female reading this, you probably have, too.

As a young girl, books like The Care and Keeping of You served as an easier way to find out about things like periods and s-e-x than asking my parents, and as an anxious 11 year-old, this option was greatly appreciated. But now that I'm in my twenties, I've found a significant lack of comprehensive information about the experience of being a young woman. Where was the book that could tell me how an I.U.D works? Or what a pap smear is?

The Modern Girl's Field Guide to Lipstick, Losers, and Life is my sequel to the standard female puberty book, focusing on the experiences of young adult women. The book is conversational, telling it to you straight the way a friend or a laid-back gynecologist would. While it doesn't cover everything, it addresses a lot of the questions I myself struggle with at this age, providing a space for conversations about the strange and exciting experience of being a young woman.

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