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Jacob Saphier: Twelve Knives

Twelve Knives

Jacob Saphier

This project is about exploring the process and philosophy of making kitchen knives entirely by hand and how I can apply a similar approach to my life. I now realize that being in the moment is crucial for both successful knife making and a fulfilling life. Thinking about what will come next without living in the present will inevitably lessen the quality of both. A knife appears to be a simple object, but to make a high quality one relies completely on an attentiveness to even the most minute details. It is still possible for me to make a functional knife without considering these details, however, it would deny me of any growth. Perfection is too often praised as the ideal. Reaching a state of perfection means that there is nowhere else to grow. Instead, I find it is important to acknowledge the unknown and to be patient with myself, my work, and my time. Embracing my failures is tough, but this process has shown me to use them as a guide rather than become frustrated. I must observe my circumstances and then allow myself to work with, not against, the natural order of things. Living a good life, like making a quality knife, is an endless practice. One that depends on respecting every component and slowly learning how each must be treated.

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