2022 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition

February 4 – 26, 2022
In-person Event
Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Google Map/Directions
Open to the public
Free of charge
A highly anticipated Stamps School tradition, the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition provides an opportunity for the school to support students whose creative work is recognized as exceptional by invited jurors, with awards announced on this page as the exhibition opens. Recipients will be notified via email on February 4 with information on picking up their awards.
In 2022, we are excited to bring back the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition to its traditional “in-person” format at the Stamps Gallery from February 4 – 26, 2022.
Award Recipients
- Alice Elizabeth Kalom Award: Nicole Kim
- Arden Fate Memorial Award: Danielle Tutak
- Guy Palazzola Memorial Award: Deena Beydoun, Zia Zhao
- John H. McCluney Memorial Achievement Award: John Cooper
- Opportunity Fund: Iris (Sue-Min) Jung
- Robert D. and Betsy D. Richards Memorial Award: Grace Klein
- William A. Lewis Watercolor Prize: Mellisa Lee
- William Carter Award: Emery Swirbalus
Learn more: 2022 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Awards.
Senghor Reid (BFA ’99) explores the interactions between the human body and the environment, creating visual representations of dreams, memories and traces of human contact with nature. Reid is currently an Artist-in-Residence at the Cranbrook Schools and is a National Board Certified Visual Arts Educator. He has received many awards, including the Kresge Arts in Detroit Visual Artist Fellowship prize and the prestigious Governor’s Award for Emerging Artist. Reid’s work has been exhibited in the U.S. and abroad in galleries and museums.
Katie Grace McGowan is an interdisciplinary artist and cultural producer. She has spent her adult life teaching, making exhibitions, organizing events, and advocating for equity in the art world. Katie currently works as deputy director of Kresge Arts in Detroit.
Sarah Rose Sharp is a writer, photographer and multimedia artist. She writes about art and culture for a number of print and online venues. Sarah was a 2015 Kresge Literary Arts Fellow for Art Criticism and is a 2018 recipient of the Rabkin Foundation Prize. She is a guest lecturer at several universities in Southeast Michigan, has served as guest curator and juror for institutions, and has shown her work in several states and internationally.
Related Events
- 2022 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Opening - February 4, 2022
- 2022 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition: Walkthrough - February 5, 2022

Adriana Alcala: Traditional Masculinity as a Weapon
Adriana Alcala: Traditional Masculinity as a WeaponUNDERGRADUATEThis piece is a response to Eddie Arning's Two Men With Big Pistols on display in the Program on ...
Katja Ampe: The Bike Rides
Katja Ampe: The Bike RidesUNDERGRADUATEDuring the summer of 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic cut off my access to my normal form of exerci...
Katya Arbuckle: How Are You?
Katya Arbuckle: How Are You?UNDERGRADUATEI was always fascinated by images of my family, what story they told. As well as the importance o...
Shalin Berman: Drag Deck
Shalin Berman: Drag DeckUNDERGRADUATEThe Drag Deck is a deck of fifty-two playing cards created to honor some of the many drag artists...
Deena Beydoun: Inner Child
Deena Beydoun: Inner ChildUNDERGRADUATEThis piece is a stop-motion animation depicting a personal narrative that explores childhood trau...
Paulina Braverman: Zapata Mural
Paulina Braverman: Zapata MuralUNDERGRADUATEThis mural celebrates Emiliano Zapata, leader of the guerrilla army known as the Zapatistas, duri...
Natalie Bultman: Lifting Anxiety & Depression is Heavy 2.0
Natalie Bultman: Lifting Anxiety & Depression is Heavy 2.0UNDERGRADUATEInformed by carrying the weight of someone else’s anxiety/depression, Natalie found it can be exh...
Maredith Byrd: Unoccupied
Maredith Byrd: UnoccupiedUNDERGRADUATEIn my piece Unoccupied, I displayed bright colors as shown on the subject’s dress and the bright ...
Pin Yun Chung: The Pantry
Pin Yun Chung: The PantryUNDERGRADUATELook closely at this piece! This is an illustration with loads of detail for one to explore. It i...
John Cooper: The Oval
John Cooper: The OvalUNDERGRADUATEOn Christmas morning 2020, a 63 year old man drove an RV packed with explosives into the heart of...
Allison Crawford: Tuning Out
Allison Crawford: Tuning OutUNDERGRADUATEThis is a piece I began working on right at the beginning of the pandemic; it focuses on the feel...
Brooke Dodderidge: Chips
Brooke Dodderidge: ChipsUNDERGRADUATE“Chips” is a part of a larger project in which I explore my relationship with food through scale ...
Kate Donoghue: Field Trip
Kate Donoghue: Field TripUNDERGRADUATEThrough striking brushstroke quality and an attentive eye to value, my painted works entangle har...
Katie Dutka: Fifth Time's the Charm
Katie Dutka: Fifth Time's the CharmUNDERGRADUATEPersistence is key. She's playing hard to get. No means yes. Are you uncomfortable, now that my l...
Gianna Gallette: Late
Gianna Gallette: LateUNDERGRADUATEThis is a short film about a young teenage girl meeting a boy for a date in a beautiful forrest a...
Victor Luis Garcia: Our Space My Body
Victor Luis Garcia: Our Space My BodyUNDERGRADUATEChicano Park located in Barrio Logan, San Diego has a history of protests for land. The people of...
Felicia Gordon: Mr.Fitz
Felicia Gordon: Mr.FitzUNDERGRADUATEI had gained an interest in sculptures that combined and explored different mediums, resulting in...
Ghida Hammoud: Coming of Age
Ghida Hammoud: Coming of AgeUNDERGRADUATEComing of age, what can we see. Although to our eyes it is imaginably destined, we don’t know the...
Rachel Heibel: Growth
Rachel Heibel: GrowthUNDERGRADUATEMy piece, entitled "Growth," is intended to discuss isolation. For me isolation means waiting, bu...
Tessa Holz: The Collector's Attire
Tessa Holz: The Collector's AttireUNDERGRADUATEMy piece was inspired by the composition of The Collector, by Mark Dion, which is currently being...
Alyssa Huang: Friends From Home
Alyssa Huang: Friends From HomeUNDERGRADUATEI created this short film out of a desire to confront and discuss with my friends and family abou...
Grace Jermstad: Dolce Far Niente
Grace Jermstad: Dolce Far NienteUNDERGRADUATEDolce Far Niente translates to "the sweetness in doing nothing." This piece represents our inclin...
Jenna John: Florilegium in Cooperation
Jenna John: Florilegium in CooperationUNDERGRADUATEFlorilegium in Cooperation is a celebration of cooperative values, intentional community, and gar...
Iris (Sue-Min) Jung: A Strong Pillar
Iris (Sue-Min) Jung: A Strong PillarUNDERGRADUATEPillar is everywhere you go. It represents its local culture and so every pillar is unique in sha...
Michelle Kim: Model Minority
Michelle Kim: Model MinorityUNDERGRADUATEModel Minority is a sculpture that represents the racism that the Asian community faces. It explo...
Nicole Kim: Numbers Against Bottles
Nicole Kim: Numbers Against BottlesUNDERGRADUATENumbers Against Bottles is a series of six environmental posters designed to be showcased around ...
Grace Klein: Vignette in Motion
Grace Klein: Vignette in MotionUNDERGRADUATEThis garment features a sleeveless, two-tone, color-blocked, top and skirt composition created to...
Michelle Knappe: Hey Look Mom I'm In Art School
Michelle Knappe: Hey Look Mom I'm In Art SchoolUNDERGRADUATEUsing textiles as a medium, I am exploring memory, growing up, and the mundane. By creating a sof...
Meredith Kratochwill: I Have Trouble Sleeping
Meredith Kratochwill: I Have Trouble SleepingUNDERGRADUATE“I Have Trouble Sleeping” is a two-dimensional digitally animated short film centered around my p...
Mellisa Lee: Flora of Indigenous Cultures
Mellisa Lee: Flora of Indigenous CulturesUNDERGRADUATE“Flora of Indigenous Cultures” is an illustrated six-page accordion book showcasing the vast rang...
Huanyuan Li: BINDING
Huanyuan Li: BINDINGUNDERGRADUATEThe history of foot binding in China reflects changes of women’s roles and social status. The con...
Anders Lundin: DAY AND NIGHT
Anders Lundin: DAY AND NIGHTUNDERGRADUATEEach of these images were created as part of a brand identity for Jackson Michigan's Tonie Arcon....
Miles Macklin: Whoop De Duo
Miles Macklin: Whoop De DuoUNDERGRADUATEA direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Whoop De Duo is an innovative smart game board and co...
Emily Mann: Hun-tun on the Sixth Day
Emily Mann: Hun-tun on the Sixth DayUNDERGRADUATEThis piece is inspired by a writing / article by Michael Arrigo entitled "A Grotesque Paradise: T...
Grace Marengo: Nostalgia
Grace Marengo: NostalgiaUNDERGRADUATEThis piece was created to be an amalgamation of personal nostalgia. Every small object embedded w...
Lindsay Mehl: Crystalline
Lindsay Mehl: CrystallineUNDERGRADUATEI have always been amazed with the simplified beauty that crystals possess. Through my work, I ai...
Jozef Meyers: Sweet Nineteen
Jozef Meyers: Sweet NineteenUNDERGRADUATEIn this piece titled Sweet Nineteen, I’m questioning my experience with maturing into young adult...
Annabel Paul: Ratty Tatty: Brother Bunny
Annabel Paul: Ratty Tatty: Brother BunnyUNDERGRADUATECreated in the memory of an illustration from a long lost picture book that circulated around my ...
Erica Poon: Welcome to Chinatown
Erica Poon: Welcome to ChinatownUNDERGRADUATEWelcome to Chinatown is an interactive comic that explores the ramifications of gentrification, p...
Grace Queen: Specter
Grace Queen: SpecterUNDERGRADUATEThe term specter is defined as a ghost or something which haunts the mind, but the word itself sh...
Edward Rapa III: Con-Fused
Edward Rapa III: Con-FusedUNDERGRADUATEUsing the style of artist Ming Ying Hong as starting inspiration, here is a series of three abstr...
Amber Sankofa: Fish
Amber Sankofa: FishUNDERGRADUATEThis was one of the most daunting, and most unique pieces I’ve ever made. I remember feeling so p...
Rylie Schrotenboer: At a Glance
Rylie Schrotenboer: At a GlanceUNDERGRADUATEThis piece is a diptych made to explore printmaking media. In both the compositions of the two pr...
Naomi Shand: Distortion
Naomi Shand: DistortionUNDERGRADUATEDuring the active Covid lockdown I would sometimes feel as though my perception of the world was ...
Ray Smith: Hanok Box
Ray Smith: Hanok BoxUNDERGRADUATEI like to say I have three main interests: art, technology, and Korean studies. So when I was cha...
Gray Snyder: Memory of a River
Gray Snyder: Memory of a RiverUNDERGRADUATEThe third and latest iteration of this installation. Initially an exploration of refracted light ...
Brooke Steele: Maria
Brooke Steele: MariaUNDERGRADUATESteele's first rug project, completed March 2021 - August 2021. Inspired by kindergarten classroo...
Muriel Steinke: Odds and Ends
Muriel Steinke: Odds and EndsUNDERGRADUATEOdds and Ends is an exploration of time and a celebration of life. In 2020, I found a small colle...
Ieva Surantas: Coiled
Ieva Surantas: CoiledUNDERGRADUATEThis piece was created in my 3D class. We were asked to create a headpiece for halloween. I thoug...
Emery Swirbalus: The Mediator
Emery Swirbalus: The MediatorUNDERGRADUATEThis 3D piece serves as a tie from the world of the living to that of the dead. The Mediator can ...
Alyssa Tarry: A Reflection
Alyssa Tarry: A ReflectionUNDERGRADUATEThis animation is about coming to terms with where you've come from and what you've done so far. ...
Ethan Torain: Tongue & Cheek
Ethan Torain: Tongue & CheekUNDERGRADUATEThis piece depicts myself and a friend laughing and enjoying one another's company in the summer.
Samuel Turner: The American Experiment
Samuel Turner: The American ExperimentUNDERGRADUATEMy painting was made in response to an undetermined cultural space inhabited by many middle-class...
Danielle Tutak: Artifact [Human] c. 2021
Danielle Tutak: Artifact [Human] c. 2021UNDERGRADUATEArtifact [Human] c. 2021. explores what it means to be Human and our relationships with material ...
Natalie Wacker: Tetrahedron Hand
Natalie Wacker: Tetrahedron HandUNDERGRADUATEThis piece was created using tetrahedron-like structures. The beginning stages involved making si...
Lezhi Wang: Moonset
Lezhi Wang: MoonsetUNDERGRADUATEThe original photo reference was taken in Chicago, where I spent my first year of college at. As ...
Yushi Wen: Borderland
Yushi Wen: BorderlandUNDERGRADUATEDaddy Boogie man, if not you, who else to blame? Daddy Boogie man, what has been, won't be again....
Alyssa Wilcome: Sunday Afternoon Ritual
Alyssa Wilcome: Sunday Afternoon RitualUNDERGRADUATEThis series of 2 monoprints is meant to be read left to right, emphasizing my developing relation...
Bryan Wilson: 1derful Beauty
Bryan Wilson: 1derful BeautyUNDERGRADUATEThis piece is a celebration of the beauty of the black woman. The bone hands are not of threat bu...
linsey wozniak: Victorian top
linsey wozniak: Victorian topUNDERGRADUATEThis shirt was inspired by men's formal tops in the Victorian era. With neck detailing and the el...
Chenyu (Zoe) Zhang: Wings
Chenyu (Zoe) Zhang: WingsUNDERGRADUATEObservational painting. I used oil paint and spent 40 hours working on this piece. This artwork i...
Zia Zhao: Cat Town
Zia Zhao: Cat TownUNDERGRADUATEI've always been annoyed in anthropomorphic animal movies when the background is designed to be a...
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Google Map/Directions
- Sunday: Closed
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Friday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm