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Victor Luis Garcia: Our Space My Body

Our Space My Body

Victor Luis Garcia


Chicano Park located in Barrio Logan, San Diego has a history of protests for land. The people of Barrio Logan wanted land to build a park but the government wouldn’t allow for that to happen. After a long and hard-fought battle, the government did offer land although it was in an unideal location, the land was located under a highway. The community was in joy, as they took everything they could get. The government later went back on its word and reclaimed the land selling it to a company. On April 22, 1970, as bulldozers were charging in, the everyday people of Barrio Logan ran outside from their homes to lie on the ground they rightfully deserved. Once again the park was granted to the people of the community and was named “Chicano Park”. Today the park is filled with murals depicting events of social activism. The walls are constantly blooming with updated depictions of what has happened to the Mexican community since that moment. Ever since I learned about this park it was a dream of mine to go as I work with a mural movement that encourages socio-economic change.

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