2017 Alumni Exhibition

July 18 – August 19, 2017
In-person Event
Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Google Map/Directions
Special Event
Open to the public
Free of charge
Each year, our Alumni exhibition offers an opportunity for Stamps graduates from across the country and internationally to share their current creative work.
The theme for the 2017 Stamps Alumni Juried Exhibition is “Ambiguities/Innuendoes? Go Fish.”
Juror Awards
We are very pleased to welcome Brian Kennedy, the President, Director, and CEO of the Toledo Museum of Art, as the juror for this show. Kennedy selected three grand prize recipients and ten honorable mentions, with cash awards thanks to the generous support of Alumni Association of the University of Michigan.
Grand Prize Recipients
- Cynthia Greig – Representation no. 65 (fan)
- Katie St. Clair – Swale
- Alisa Yang – Please Come Again
Honorable Mentions
- Kelly Hartigan Goldstein – but…it’s a banana
- Lenea Howe – Norm Walker
- Leisa Rich – Disco Metastasis
- Robert Sedestrom – Chaulk Talk
- Michelle Sider – One the Side of the Road
- Mark Sisson – Portrait of Emma Shore: What Price Education?
- Russell Thayer – Wind Rapids
- Marjorie Tomchuk – Confluence II
- Zoë Widmer – Myself in a Series
- Robin Wilt – Fish & Unfish & still FIO
Work is on view at the new Stamps Gallery. This exhibition runs concurrently with the Ann Arbor Art Fair (July 20 — 23, 2017). With 8,000 square feet of exhibition space and a new downtown location, the Juried Alumni Show is the perfect way to celebrate the University of Michigan’s Bicentennial in 2017.
Frederika Adam: Hampstead Heath
Frederika Adam: Hampstead HeathFrederika is an artist and curator based in London. She received her B.F.A. and B.A. (Art History...
Melis Agabigum: [Life] Unfolds in Pools of Black [you took it away]
Melis Agabigum: [Life] Unfolds in Pools of Black [you took it away]I explore materiality and the physical or emotional connections that occur between body and objec...
Luna Anna Archey: Ma Cerise
Luna Anna Archey: Ma CeriseThree scenes of a city come together to echo each other, freezing a surrealist stillness and curi...
Anneli Arms: Grouper
Anneli Arms: GrouperThe Grouper etching was based on a wall sculpture of several different kinds of fish, the grouper...
Suzanne Beutler: On the Road
Suzanne Beutler: On the RoadOn the Road features the five major world religions- Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity an...
Gabriella Boros: Naked and Barefoot
Gabriella Boros: Naked and BarefootThis is from a series of woodcut prints which depict verses from Isaiah contemporized to our time...
Titus Brooks Heagins: Omi, From the Series “Trans-Cuba”
Titus Brooks Heagins: Omi, From the Series “Trans-Cuba”It has been said that I am obsessed with creating beautiful images regardless the subject matter....
Paula Brown-Gray: Child’s Game
Paula Brown-Gray: Child’s GameAs a child I played “Go Fish” with my grandmother. Her hands were always beautifully manicured an...
Lynne Buchman: Recoleta
Lynne Buchman: RecoletaTransfixed by the glow of the items left at loved ones mausoleums at La Recoleta Cemetery, I kept...
Hillary Butterworth: The Loss is Ours
Hillary Butterworth: The Loss is Ours40 percent of married women, surveyed by the American Animal Hospital Association, said they get ...
Nina Cambron: Recurring Patterns
Nina Cambron: Recurring PatternsPatterning, real, from memory or deeper from generations past, are part of every individuals make...
Theresa Choe-Herrington: If Words Could Kill…........
Theresa Choe-Herrington: If Words Could Kill…........TC Herrington (United States) is an artist who works in a variety of media. By putting the viewer...
Janna Coumoundouros: Duende
Janna Coumoundouros: DuendeDuende: A Portrait of Lailani The intensity in Lailani's eyes confronts the viewer. She is confi...
Olivia Crowley: What Color is my Life without You?
Olivia Crowley: What Color is my Life without You?2014 is a year I can't leave. It is the year I fell in love, it is the year that I was sexually a...
Maxwell Davis: Curiosity Cabinet #4
Jocelyn Edin: Secret Spot
Jocelyn Edin: Secret SpotThis piece is an illustrative watercolor of a secret garden erupting with organic forms and ferti...
Keith Ekstam: Figure Stack with Tea Bowl
Keith Ekstam: Figure Stack with Tea BowlMy sculpture incorporates imagery that refers to a diverse range of items. These are as far reach...
Jane E. Fitzgerald: Land of Milk and Honey
Jane E. Fitzgerald: Land of Milk and HoneyFor most Americans, their genealogy charts include immigration; my forebears missed the Mayflower...
Helen Geglio: Boro Shape Shifting 1
Helen Geglio: Boro Shape Shifting 1Identity is often of a transient nature, shifting between different roles and adapting to new con...
Ken Giles: standing in front of or behind the fire hydrant | standing behind or in front of the fire hydrant, 2
Ken Giles: standing in front of or behind the fire hydrant | standing behind or in front of the fire hydrant, 2For me the photograph is a transitory art object that continually explores how personal interacti...
Carol Goodenough: Sunset Blues
Carol Goodenough: Sunset BluesThis piece is created by playing with pattern bars and fused glass. Using beautiful and interesti...
Cheryl Gordon: Essex 87
Cheryl Gordon: Essex 87The consequences of art making endure. Ideas are frozen, slip away and resurface. Combinations st...
Cynthia Greig: Representation no. 65 (fan)
Cynthia Greig: Representation no. 65 (fan)I make images that at first glance don’t look like the photographs they are. Exploiting the decep...
Samuel E Harper: “JUST FIVE KIDS.”
Samuel E Harper: “JUST FIVE KIDS.”"Once Upon a Time They Were Just 5 Kids.| Five kids hanging over a railing on a Sunday afternoo...
Brein Harpster: The Elephant In The Room
Brein Harpster: The Elephant In The RoomThis painting is about a conversation within a relationship. When ambiguities and innuendos are e...
Kelly Hartigan Goldstein: “but…it’s a banana.”
Kelly Hartigan Goldstein: “but…it’s a banana.”Ever curious and easily amused, emerging Laguna Beach painter Kelly Hartigan Goldstein finds fasc...
Christine Hildebrand: The Lily Pond
Christine Hildebrand: The Lily PondChristine Hildebrand is a University of Michigan graduate who majored in Art & Design and Eng...
Sue (listed as Susan in DART) Holdaway-Heys: jewel box beetle
Sue (listed as Susan in DART) Holdaway-Heys: jewel box beetleThe Jewel Box Beetle can be viewed as a beautiful insect to be treasured or an insect that should...
Ryan Hoover: Rabeda
Ryan Hoover: RabedaRabeda is a colorized, reversed, decelerated, delayed, and otherwise digitally distorted version ...
Kelsey Ann Horn: Stop Being Facetious
Kelsey Ann Horn: Stop Being FacetiousThis particular work examines how contrast in light creates texture. By magnifying the subject so...
Laura Whitesides Host: Beware the Cyprinus Carpio
Laura Whitesides Host: Beware the Cyprinus CarpioWorrying about our Great Lakes - the conversation ranges from government reduction in funds prote...
Lenea Howe: Norm Walker
Lenea Howe: Norm WalkerNORM WALKER. In time, what seems a bit odd becomes the Norm. Lenea Howe (BFA 1969) works in pap...
Ruth Howell: The Gilded World of ZaraZote Koi
Ruth Howell: The Gilded World of ZaraZote KoiThis piece is the fourth in a series of large scale work that explores time and space, as well as...
Kerry Huver: Alchemy
Kerry Huver: AlchemyAmbiguities: Carl Jung, trees, gold, alchemy, Self, sun, Project 40, libra child, capricorn moon,...
Vivian Babuts & Joey Christiano Diaz: Untitled
Vivian Babuts & Joey Christiano Diaz: UntitledVivian Babuts, BFA '94 University of Michigan has been creating collaborative works with artistic...
Adrienne Kaplan: In Memory of George
Adrienne Kaplan: In Memory of GeorgeRemembering George Seurat's, Summer on la Grande Jatte, here is Summer at Gallup Park, a 21st C v...
Shannon Kohlitz: A Tutorial in the Language of Trump’s Hands
Shannon Kohlitz: A Tutorial in the Language of Trump’s HandsWe all know President Trump says outlandish things. Then, when the media takes him at his word, i...
Deanna Krueger: Tartarus
Deanna Krueger: TartarusMy work generally begins with material that previously functioned as something else. Often what t...
David Littell: The Impersistence of Memory
David Littell: The Impersistence of MemoryThis is a very personal piece for me about the aging and memory loss of a close relative. Certain...
Beatriz Lozano: Cut from the Same Cloth
Beatriz Lozano: Cut from the Same ClothI purchased this blouse in 2014, but have not worn it since Trump’s June 16, 2015, presidential a...
Louise Lutton: Upstream/Downstream
Louise Lutton: Upstream/DownstreamThis piece was inspired by the women quilters of Gees Bend, Alabama. This isolated African Americ...
Marjorie Marshall: Why wipe?
Marjorie Marshall: Why wipe?I was searching high and low in an abandoned building for something that would catch my eye. Sudd...
Ms. Kathryn McDonough-Lemery: Why is Christ Fishing?
Ms. Kathryn McDonough-Lemery: Why is Christ Fishing?For years I have been working on images of Christ on large canvasses. This 4'x5' shows his spirit...
Lisa Meeske Sloan: Fake Flowers
Lisa Meeske Sloan: Fake FlowersMy collage combines photos and paint. I focus more on the shape, color and texture than on any su...
Kathy Messner: It starts with one line
Kathy Messner: It starts with one lineWith line upon line, in this pen and ink drawing, the artist gives these houses in the City by th...
Susan Michod: Tossed like a willful child
Susan Michod: Tossed like a willful childThis work is part of my disaster series of paintings and was inspired by super storm Sandy and th...
Kimberly Moss: Mirror
Kimberly Moss: MirrorWhen concerning human anatomy, what lies underneath the skin is often ambiguous and misunderstood...
Bianca Ng: Who is Your Shero?
Bianca Ng: Who is Your Shero?As a little girl I grew up learning a set of rules: I should aspire for marriage, but be independ...
Samara Pearlstein: The Absolute Wrong Thing v.2
Samara Pearlstein: The Absolute Wrong Thing v.2If something is wrong in form, material, or both, but still carries some residue of its intended ...
Bevely (Name is Beverly in DART-typo?) Peller Henson: What? When? Where?
Bevely (Name is Beverly in DART-typo?) Peller Henson: What? When? Where?My tribe asks questions. Here are two. Is it a portrait or a landscape? Are we in the woods?
Viviana Pernot: Calles Cubanas
Viviana Pernot: Calles Cubanas'Calles Cubanas' loosly translated as 'The Streets of Cuba' As a Cuban woman raised in the U.S....
Leisa Rich: Disco Metastasis
Leisa Rich: Disco MetastasisDisco Metastasis reflects my ambivalence toward breast cancer in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Using ...
Michelina Risbeck: Omitted Public Spaces
Michelina Risbeck: Omitted Public SpacesAs living beings our bodies occupy spaces created from structures and objects. There’s a space wa...
Andy Ross: Mask
Andy Ross: MaskTo me, collage—putting different things together to make a new whole—is at the very center of cre...
David Rubello: Color Moves #88
David Rubello: Color Moves #88Rubello's compositions explore interrelationships of clear geometric planes and volumes in space....
Robert Sedestrom: Chaulk Talk
Robert Sedestrom: Chaulk TalkI work almost every day, usually three to five hours at a time. Work begins with the placement of...
Bettyann Seltzer/Pober: Schoolyard Games A-F
Bettyann Seltzer/Pober: Schoolyard Games A-FIn "Schoolyard Games A-F", the viewer is confronted with questions: Why use a capricious medium s...
Michelle Sider: On the Side of the Road
Michelle Sider: On the Side of the RoadMichelle Y. Sider www.michellesstudio.com [email protected] Vivid colors, strong design ...
Mark Sisson: Portrait of Emma Shore: What Price Education?
Mark Sisson: Portrait of Emma Shore: What Price Education?Sadly, sexual assaults have become all too common at universities and colleges. It is particularl...
Jennifer Spoon: Pink Paper Pussy Hat
Jennifer Spoon: Pink Paper Pussy HatFor the Women's March on January 21, I wanted a hat and a poster that said stop Trump and promote...
Katie St. Clair: Swale
Katie St. Clair: SwaleIn 2015, I spent five months on the west coast of Ireland. I had no idea how drastically the nuan...
Betsy Statman Besl: Plenty of Fish in the Tea
Betsy Statman Besl: Plenty of Fish in the Tea"Plenty of Fish in the Tea" is an innuendo-filled celebration of the abundant choices and paths w...
Phyllis Swonk: The Alien House
Phyllis Swonk: The Alien HouseDriving by this house in Pensacola Florida one day, I noticed not only the space ship on the roof...
Russell Thayer: Wind Rapids
Russell Thayer: Wind RapidsAs water flows around obstacles in a stream, so does the wind creating currents in the sky.
Marjorie Tomchuk: Confluence !!
Marjorie Tomchuk: Confluence !!Statement Since the 1980's my artworks have been created on artist-made, 100% cotton fiber paper...
Maureen Vachon: Untitled
Maureen Vachon: UntitledThe fate of the poor man on the operating table is unknown, but I included images of butterflies ...
Donella Reese Vogel: The Illustrated Illustrator
Donella Reese Vogel: The Illustrated IllustratorI wanted to paint an artist who works in the physical world while greatly influenced by the spiri...
Jill Stefani Wagner: Moment or Dream?
Jill Stefani Wagner: Moment or Dream?Whatever I paint, my primary focus is always the light and how it affects the landscape or citysc...
Zoë Widmer: Myself in a Series
Zoë Widmer: Myself in a SeriesMy body is trans and therefore interpreted as unusual, interesting, and shameful. It is something...
Robin Wilt: Fish & Unfish & still FIO
Ellen Wilt: The Scholar
Jean Wolff: Blue Fold White Lines
Jean Wolff: Blue Fold White LinesMy interest in systems and structure within a grid format is a systematic exploration of a basic ...
Alisa Yang: Please Come Again
Alisa Yang: Please Come AgainThe essay film narrates the collective and personal memory of three generations of Asian women th...
Matthew Zivich: Was Siehst Du?
Matthew Zivich: Was Siehst Du?The artist asks the viewer What do you see? The ambiguities and innuendos are all intentional an...
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Google Map/Directions
- Sunday: Closed
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Friday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm