Medium Rare: 2015 IP Exhibition

April 16 – May 1, 2015
In-person Event
Open to the public
Free of charge
Featuring creative work in all media, and including installations, film screenings, performances, and more, Medium Rare highlights the culminating projects of the School’s 85 graduating BFA students produced during their year-long Integrative Project course.
The exhibition encompasses three galleries — the School’s Slusser and Work galleries and the Argus II Building in Ann Arbor — plus additional offsite exhibitions, events, performances and a film screening.
Slusser Gallery, Art & Architecture Building, U‑M North Campus
Opening Reception: Friday, April 17, 6 — 9 pm
Gallery hours: Monday through Friday 9 am — 5 pm, Saturday 12 — 5 pm
Work Gallery, 306 S. State Street, Ann Arbor
Opening Reception: Friday, April 17, 6 — 9 pm
Gallery hours: Tuesday — Saturday, 12 — 7 pm
Argus II Building, 400 4th Street, Ann Arbor
Opening Reception: Friday, April 17, 7 — 10 pm
Gallery hours: Tuesday — Saturday, 12 — 7 pm
During the opening receptions on Friday, April 17, shuttle service will run from Slusser Gallery, to Work Gallery to Argus II Building approximately every half hour. Look for a white van with the School’s Logo.
Offsite Exhibitions & Events
Michigan Theater Screening (Screening)
Michigan Theater, 603 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor
Thursday, April 16, 4 — 5:30 pm
Anya Klapischak : #blessed (Performance)
Peony Gardens, Nichols Arboretum
Thursday, April 16; one-time performance at 5:30 pm
Sangfroid (Offsite Exhibition)
Performance Network, 120 E. Huron, Ann Arbor
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 16, 5:30 — 9 pm
Hours: Tuesday — Friday, 11 am — 5 pm; Evenings Apr. 23 — 25, 5 — 10 pm. Closed April 18.
Performance, video, painting and sculpture installation by Grace Treado, Anya Klapischak, Joshua Kochis and Will Bedell.
Willie Filkowski Welcomes You to Florida the Sunshine State (Performance)
Duderstadt Video Studio, U‑M North Campus
Friday, April 17; performances at 7 and 8:30 pm
Tiffany Leung: Memories and Conversations (Video Installation)
NCRC (North Campus Research Center) Building 520, 1600 Huron Parkway, Ann Arbor
Opening Reception: Friday, April 17, 7 — 10 pm
Other Hours: By appointment only.
Margaret Hitch : American Dreamboat (Offsite Exhibition)
Bike Shed between 307 and 315 North State Street, Ann Arbor (Michigan and Minnie’s Cooperative Houses)
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 18, 6 — 9 pm, with musical performances to follow
Other Hours: Noon — 7 pm on Sunday, April 19
Anissa Ciani : Experiential Reading (Offsite Exhibition)
Literati Bookstore, 124 E. Washington Street, Ann Arbor
April 19 — May 3
Hours: Mon. — Thurs. 10 am — 9 pm, Fri./Sat. 10 am — 10 pm, Sun. 10 am — 7 pm
Katie Moran : A Right Hook (Offsite Exhibition)
Carr Center, 311 E Grand River Ave, Detroit
April 18 — May 8
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 18, 6 — 9 pm
Viviana Pernot: The M.I.S.S.I.O.N. (Video Screening)
Michigan Union, Anderson room
April 23, 6 and 8 pm
Beatrice Bast: Folding Flour
Beatrice Bast: Folding FlourExperimental packaging focusing on redesigning the flour bag. Each independent design highlights ...
Will BeDell: Juvenescence
Will BeDell: JuvenescenceJuvenescence is an exploration of form and the american landscape through the state of mind and f...
Tara Beiser: TeaRevive
Tara Beiser: TeaReviveTeaRevive offers an innovative Afternoon Tea experience, focusing on sustainable and healthy food...
Max Berger: Re-experiencing the Switch
Max Berger: Re-experiencing the SwitchThink of objects not as instruments for our use, but as entities that are effectively linked to u...
Hania Bigo: Apollo
Hania Bigo: ApolloA series of interpretive illustrations on the Overview Effect as experienced by the astronauts of...
Kirsten Bray: Fight Like a Girl
Kirsten Bray: Fight Like a GirlI created this video game character to challenge female video game character stereotypes, which a...
Melanie Buckner: Tales From The Bambalance
Melanie Buckner: Tales From The BambalanceStop motion film short dealing with personal experiences as a paramedic, reflections on the healt...
Hillary Butterworth: The Curtain Passed Through The Wall
Hillary Butterworth: The Curtain Passed Through The WallAn interactive installation using projection, programming, fabric, and fans.I want to slip comput...
Alison Chandler Blomstrom: Luminance
Alison Chandler Blomstrom: LuminanceLuminance is a photo series that explores time and photographic technique, specifically dealing w...
David Chang: Eighth Street Peace Maker
David Chang: Eighth Street Peace MakerThis project rebrands an already existing organization called "Eighth Street Peace Maker." Eighth...
Melissa Cho: What May Be Forgotten
Melissa Cho: What May Be ForgottenA collection of illustrations on fabric as an exploration of personal memory. These images explor...
Anissa Ciani: Experiential Reading
Anissa Ciani: Experiential ReadingThis series of print publications demonstrates how the qualities and opportunities that are uniqu...
Troy Clark: Oops… I Did it Again
Troy Clark: Oops… I Did it AgainThis installation collages a body of work inspired by the time of my life when I listened to a ca...
Ronald Conn: Waiting to Depart
Ronald Conn: Waiting to DepartDigital collages, structured around stories about places from my childhood. A series of five larg...
Kathryn Corvino: Ann, Helen and I
Kathryn Corvino: Ann, Helen and IThis documentary film juxtaposes the end of life stories of my two grandmothers and contemplates ...
Kyle D'Arcangelo: A Stiff One…
Kyle D'Arcangelo: A Stiff One…Through warp and stitch, sign and symbol, these pieces aim to deflate pre-conceived notions of ma...
Caili Dalian: What do you Clutch?
Caili Dalian: What do you Clutch?A collection of 22 clutch purses inspired by women, ages 5-88, answering the question, "What do y...
Payal Doshi: Made In Class
Payal Doshi: Made In ClassMade In Class = Lifestyle (Identity + Function)"Made In Class" is a brand of apparel inspired by ...
Katy Dresner: Telepresence
Katy Dresner: Telepresence"Telepresence" is an installation experienced by one person at a time. Inside of a canopy there i...
Willie Filkowski: Willie Filkowski Welcomes You to Florida the Sunshine State
Willie Filkowski: Willie Filkowski Welcomes You to Florida the Sunshine StateWillie Filkowski Welcomes You to Florida the Sunshine State is a fresh-squeezed solo performance ...
Chris Ford: Chris Chris TV
Chris Ford: Chris Chris TV"Chris Chris TV" is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a TV that broadcasts customized channels of...
KayLee Gittleson: Mottephobia
KayLee Gittleson: MottephobiaA wearable series constructed of fine silver, copper, enamel, and mica was created in order to de...
Terence Harp II: Kinetikos Speaker
Terence Harp II: Kinetikos SpeakerA speaker design that visually/physically expresses the user's input.
Margaret Hitch: American Dreamboat
Margaret Hitch: American DreamboatA series of woodcuts and lithographs that illustrate a collection of poems I have written. The pr...
Gabriela Holzer: A Mindscape
Gabriela Holzer: A MindscapeThis mixed media drawing is an intuitive exploration of my conscious and subconscious pattern of ...
Nancy Huynh: Beau
Nancy Huynh: BeauImpulsive drawings and an imperfect treatment towards my memory of putting my dog, Beau, down. Be...
Margaret Jensen: Warp
Margaret Jensen: WarpA series of weavings fabricated with yarn acquired from unraveled, worn sweaters. This symbolizes...
Ji Won Kim: Borderless
Ji Won Kim: BorderlessBranching out from Julia Kristeva's idea of "abject," I question, "What is the new definition of ...
Leah Kim: Abstract Visual World
Leah Kim: Abstract Visual WorldEssence of color derives from nature of being. The combinations of colors from ordinary scenes th...
Soo Hyeon Kim: Trace
Soo Hyeon Kim: TraceTraces are more than just simple marks; they represent its history. Small or big, every action le...
Young Eun Kim: Be Mindful
Young Eun Kim: Be MindfulI want to convey a message through the daily objects to ease the difficulties of the subject. Thr...
Anya Klapischak: #blessed
Anya Klapischak: #blessedWere you born between 1986-1994? Do you find that meditation is a way to pass time between Facebo...
Ian Klipa: Project Ultima (community fabrication)
Ian Klipa: Project Ultima (community fabrication)An extracurricular welding workshop in Detroit inspired by my experiences with the making culture...
Joshua Kochis: Terra Incognita: Small Vistas Unfolding
Joshua Kochis: Terra Incognita: Small Vistas UnfoldingWooden fragments are unearthed from the forest floor and translated through drawing, collage, pai...
Tiffany Leung: Memories and Conversations
Tiffany Leung: Memories and ConversationsI lived in Hong Kong for eighteen years before moving to United States in 2011 to attend school. ...
Marco Lorenzetti: The Flames Which Pour From The Earth
Marco Lorenzetti: The Flames Which Pour From The EarthSurrounded by the premise of deciphering the "American Dream", The stage is set through an imagin...
Grace Ludmer: The Girls I Draw
Grace Ludmer: The Girls I Draw"The Girls I Draw" is a compilation of paintings, digital prints, hand-drawn illustrations, stick...
Samantha Machover: Apes
Samantha Machover: ApesMy IP project is a series of acrylic paintings illustrating the primates at Virunga National Park...
Jorge Maldonado: Security & Safety: An Effort To Lessen Trauma In Pediatrics Through Clothing
bekah malover: threads
bekah malover: threadsthreads is a collection of poetic inconclusions distilled from a typewritten stream of consciousn...
Caroline Marin: Caroline’s Project
Caroline Marin: Caroline’s ProjectI create multi-media installations that primarily focus on diverging from traditional ceramic tec...
Lonny Marino: Anatomy of a Fairytale
Lonny Marino: Anatomy of a FairytaleA graphic novel depicting a fairytale based on the medical anomaly, Wendigo Psychosis. The fairyt...
Elizabeth McCubbrey: memory room
Elizabeth McCubbrey: memory roomwe start to forget the memoriesthey become distorted slowly contorting with each reflectionlike t...
Emily McGowan: Landscapes
Emily McGowan: LandscapesThese oil paintings and charcoal drawings document and preserve the physical and emotional qualit...
Ian McGreevy: Wander
Ian McGreevy: Wander"Wander" is a concept book for an open-ended, curiosity-driven video game that gives players a ch...
Allie McGuire: Stigmatized
Allie McGuire: StigmatizedThis project aims to break down the stigmas associated with taking medication. Through the design...
Olivia Meadows: Geometries
Olivia Meadows: Geometries"Geometries" embodies a love for pattern. It is a series of designs inspired from Endangered Plan...
Maggie Miller: Adventure Quest
Maggie Miller: Adventure Quest"Adventure Quest" is the story of two friends, Pen and Milo, who, while on a trip to a Renaissanc...
Katie Moran: The Right Hook
Katie Moran: The Right HookA documentary photography series exploring Detroit's Downtown Youth Boxing Gym and the community ...
Megan Mulholland: Time (and Space) Enough at Last
Megan Mulholland: Time (and Space) Enough at LastAn exploration of the stories behind museum objects especially as they relate to humans trying to...
Emily Neff: Terra Incognita
Emily Neff: Terra IncognitaThis series of work is an exploration of the abstract surfaces of our planet and the connections ...
Stephanie O'Neil: Discover the Epigenome: An Illustrative Display of Molecular Epigenetics
Stephanie O'Neil: Discover the Epigenome: An Illustrative Display of Molecular EpigeneticsEpigenetics means "above genetics." It encompasses the wide range of molecular and physical pheno...
Kyle Oberleiter: Shell
Kyle Oberleiter: ShellA reflection of the significance of human nature in a technology driven society.
Sam Oliver: Quantified Self Portrait
Sam Oliver: Quantified Self Portrait"Quantified Self Portrait" explores the relationship between our identity and the data we produce...
Kit Parks: Direct Connection
Kit Parks: Direct ConnectionEverybody’s talking about nature.Natural this and unnatural that. They want to know, "is it organ...
Della Paul: Visceral
Della Paul: VisceralA montage exploring the narrative of the Christian Gospel through the abstract and every day life...
Viviana Pernot: The M.I.S.S.I.O.N.
Viviana Pernot: The M.I.S.S.I.O.N.Camp Take Notice was a group of homeless people that lived in Ann Arbor’s first tent community, t...
Anica Presley: Impetus
Anica Presley: ImpetusThrough a series of photomontages and photolithographic prints, "Impetus" explores and interrupts...
Holly Prouty: Tink
Holly Prouty: Tink"Tink" is a series of "playful objects" that explores the concept of integrating tactile play int...
Kathy Reid: green
Travis Reilly: I am a Family Guy
Travis Reilly: I am a Family GuyOver the years, I have developed a quirk where I reenact scenes from my favorite TV shows and fil...
Sarah Renken: A Story for a Stranger
Sarah Renken: A Story for a StrangerOne after another, sixteen participants respond to each other’s stories, connecting and creating ...
Ira Richardson: Everything is For Sale
Ira Richardson: Everything is For Sale"Everything is For Sale" places my own creative output in the context of a selection of the mater...
Margot Robert: Outlet
Margot Robert: OutletUsing the difficulties of the transgender experience as an inspiration for the project, "Outlet" ...
Mary Sterling Rountree: False Facades
Mary Sterling Rountree: False FacadesSecrets are powerful.This series of sterling silver lockets was created to make tangible the most...
Britney Rupley: Trance
Britney Rupley: Trance"Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality."-Darryl An...
Kelly Sadlon: Crescendo
Kelly Sadlon: CrescendoAn interactive installation piece inviting adults and children to engage in experiential learning...
Hanna Sakakibara: "Trust Me"
Hanna Sakakibara: "Trust Me"Through these "objects of seating," I aim to create tension between the user and the object by el...
Gabriel Schindler: Mind the Gap
Gabriel Schindler: Mind the GapSteps of the mundane, illustrated through the intersection of code and color, illuminated in stor...
Alec Schweitzer: Live
Alec Schweitzer: Live"Live" is my personal exploration into the world of hip hop music. The images were curated around...
Hye Ryeong Shin: Fearless
Hye Ryeong Shin: FearlessIt is said that time heals all wounds. However I believe that false. I believe time heals most wo...
Audrey Stanton: most obscure
Audrey Stanton: most obscuretypographic explorations and manifestations of the ambiguities latent in language.
Anna Stasek: The Flesh and the Blood
Anna Stasek: The Flesh and the BloodUsing hand drawn animation, I’ve created a world inspired by GMOs (genetically modified organisms...
Judy Su: This Is Not A Cookbook
Judy Su: This Is Not A CookbookThis seasonal produce and recipe guide aims to teach individuals how to cook with seasonal foods,...
Hayley Tanasijevich: Indigo’s Place
Hayley Tanasijevich: Indigo’s PlaceI have written and illustrated a Children's Picture Book inspired by my imagination as a child an...
Emily Thomas: veg out
Emily Thomas: veg outWith my integrative project, I have created a collection of illustrated recipe postcards which ai...
Lauren Tietz: Lost in Bloom
Lauren Tietz: Lost in Bloom"Lost in Bloom" reflects on themes found in Rococo 18th century art and depicts an oasis of roman...
Nicholas Tilma: Light Objects
Nicholas Tilma: Light ObjectsA series of light objects inspired by the formal language of objects found within urban landscapes.
Grace Treado: Paroxysm: Visualizing Vulnerability
Grace Treado: Paroxysm: Visualizing VulnerabilityBy translating the symptoms of my rare medical condition into performance, painting, and video in...
Tina Trierweiler: whimsy
Tina Trierweiler: whimsyTextiles are a part of our lives from the bedding we sleep on at night, to the towels we use to d...
Kit Trowbridge: Strange Country
Kit Trowbridge: Strange Country"Strange Country" is a series of oil paintings inspired by personally salient dreams. I’ve been e...
Ariel Weiser: I Don’t Know What You Mean
Ariel Weiser: I Don’t Know What You MeanAudio pieces crafted from a series of interviews in which participants were asked to describe the...
Katelyn Wollet: Presence
Katelyn Wollet: Presence"Presence" is a book of film photographs taken over the course of the last two semesters respondi...
Ruichuan Xu: Cosmic Artifacts
Ruichuan Xu: Cosmic ArtifactsHuman colonization beyond Earth is imperative to the long-term survival and evolution of our spec...
Carly Zelenetz: Embedded
Carly Zelenetz: Embedded"Embedded" is a collection of weavings that displays a process acquired by trial and error, manip...