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Allen Samuels
Allen Samuels

Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus

Christian Sandvig
Christian Sandvig

H. Marshall McLuhan Collegiate Professor of Digital Media, School of Information

Ali Shapiro
Ali Shapiro

Lecturer IV, Writing Program

Max Shtein
Max Shtein

Professor, College of Engineering

Sherri Smith
Sherri Smith

Catherine B. Heller Collegiate Professor Emerita

Takeshi Takahara
Takeshi Takahara

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emeritus

Malcolm Tulip
Malcolm Tulip

Associate Professor, School of Music, Theatre & Dance

Angela Washko
Angela Washko

Catherine B. Heller Professor of Art

Edward West
Edward West

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emeritus

Emilia Yang
Emilia Yang

Assistant Professor of Art and Design with a focus on Anti-Racism by Design

Georgette Zirbes
Georgette Zirbes

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emerita