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Apply: MFA

MFA Application Deadline for Fall 2025 Admission:
Friday, January 32025

The admissions process for the MFA in Art at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design is highly selective. Approximately eight new students join the program each year. Applicants will hold a bachelor’s degree, preferably in art, and demonstrate the ability to carry out independent creative work. In addition, they will have a strong educational background, an interest in interdisciplinary inquiry, and substantive life experience to draw from in charting new directions for creative practice.

Application Instructions

Stamps graduate programs are part of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, and admission to the Stamps School of Art & Design requires concurrent admission to Rackham. Application materials must be submitted to both Rackham and the Stamps School as outlined below.

  • 1. Submit the Rackham Graduate Admission Application Form

    Start the Rackham Graduate Admission Application Form.

    The Application Form will require the following:

    • Creative work statement: Provide a statement that addresses these three topics (600 words maximum).
      1. Creative work. Describe the form that your work takes and the motivations and influences that drive it.
      2. MFA expectations and aspirations. Explain why you are pursuing an MFA and what you hope to achieve during your graduate school experience.
      3. Stamps School. Describe the features of Stamps MFA program that most interest you. name three Stamps faculty you would like to work with and why. Identify what field(s) of inquiry outside of the Stamps School you want to engage while at Michigan, and, if you are able, what faculty in those areas you would like to work with and why.
        Note: There is no need to contact any individual faculty members to respond to this portion of the prompt; there is no expectation of a confirmed advising relationship prior to admission.

    • Personal statement: Provide a statement that describes the journey that led you to seek a graduate degree (500 words maximum).
      How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational, or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan’s Stamps School?
    • Official transcript.
    • Curriculum vitae or résumé.
    • Three letters of recommendation.
    • Evidence of English proficiency for students whose first language is not English.
    • Required academic credentials from non-U.S. institutions.
    • Application fee.
  • 2. Upload a portfolio of work online through SlideRoom.
    • A primary criterion for admission to the MFA program at the Stamps School of Art & Design is the assessment of your portfolio by our faculty. Graduate applicants will submit a portfolio of no more than 20 examples of recent work using SlideRoom.
    • Your portfolio should represent your best work, consist of work done within the last five years, and demonstrate the current direction of your studio practice.
    • Each slide on Slideroom should be used for one image or one time-based work; do not upload files (jpgs or pdfs) with multiple pages or images.
    • Time-based samples should be no longer than five-minutes with web links to full-length versions if appropriate.
    • Please order your work chronologically with the newest work first, and provide complete descriptions that will help us understand the image.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the MFA FAQ for detailed information on the MFA program, including specific questions about financial aid, completing your application, and checking the status of your submitted materials.


All application materials are reviewed after the deadline. Stamps faculty members will interview highly-ranked applicants in mid-Feb­ru­ary. Final admis­sion deci­sions will be announced in March.