“Project, Project” portrays the cyclical nature of creation and destruction within the artistic process. This project grew out of the need to discard much of the artwork I’ve made in college, which led me to think about the relationship between impermanence and documentation. Experimenting with glass, sand, video, and projection within scale models of this studio space, I explored ways to display the destructive aspect of creating art during a transitory period of my life. I drew inspiration from the earthwork, minimalism, and light and space art movements to inform my choice of materials and method of documentation.
Making this installation abstract and metaphorical allows the audience to have different subjective interpretations of the visual documentation, simple materials, and geometric forms. I am showing the viewers the process by which this project came to be so that they are confronted with the knowledge that this art piece is not stagnant, but transient. Whether the increasingly irregular glass forms rise from or dissolve into their component materials is a decision made by the viewer, urging them to contemplate their own relationship with this cycle of creation and destruction.