Night Lights is a 2D animated short film that explores my feelings of loneliness, and learning to appreciate the things that are right in front of me in the form of a large, slow moving bear. Just as she moves through the world, learning about the other animals and their strengths, she learns to appreciate herself and the skills and traits that make her unique among the other animals of British Columbia.
Night Lights also challenged my experiences that I’ve had so far at Stamps. Much of my work is informed by my inspirations - Aaron Blaise, Terryl Whitlatch, Hayao Miyazaki, James Baxter, and the many student animators and their short films from CalArts and Gobelins. This animation has enabled me to continue my improvement in animation. Focusing on convincing movements, the shifting of weight, the incorporation of lighting and shadow on individual frames, the combination of my rougher sketches with cleaned up backgrounds - this project has forced me to look at my weaknesses and address them in a new way.