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This artwork is a ceramic sculpture of a female body bent over backwards. The sculpture is cut off above the elbows and around the mid thigh, however it is missing its right arm. There are also holes cut out where there nipples and vagina should be, and in their place are salmon pink and purple artificial floral arrangements. The piece is covered in white Terra Sigillata, with touches of pink outlining the hollowed out body parts.

Bending Over Backwards

Jaelynn Sviglin-Krell

Ceramic Sculpture with Artificial Flowers

At the Kelsey Museum, I saw Ancient Greek fertility sculptures traditionally given to newlyweds as a blessing for childbearing. These sculptures tend to emphasize body parts associated with motherhood through size and color. This seems to reduce the value of a woman to her capability of producing offspring. In my sculpture, I hollowed out these parts and used them to hold flashy bouquets, exaggerating them in a new way, in order to critique this tradition.