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This work is a woodblock print, where the printed image in the center of the paper is 18 inches high by 12 inches wide. The image depicts a wood suspension bridge over a large body of water, positioned as though the viewer is standing on the bridge looking directly forward. The wooden planks appear to recede back into space. The other side of the bridge is attached to the top of a large cliff seen in the distance, and it is misty where the cliff face meets the water. A bit of sky can be seen above the cliffs. The planks are supported by many ropes that extend upwards on either side, which connect to two ropes at the top (one on either side) that recede into the distance and connect to the other end of the bridge. The bridge, including the planks and ropes, are black, red, and reddish-brown, while the background, including the cliffs, water, and sky, are rendered in pinks, lighter browns, and white.

The Bridge

Emily Mann

Three-color woodblock print on Okawara paper

My work reflects intermingling feelings of hope and terror in the face of rapidly approaching futures, often employing imagery of surreal landscapes, geometry, symmetry, and linear perspective. Here, I aimed to evoke a feeling of unease and precarity with the rickety wooden planks, misty water, and imposing cliffs, but ultimately provide a sense of hope because the other side of the bridge is within sight. More of my work: