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The image shows a ceramic bust of a naked women's chest with a plate replacing the head. There is text inscribed on the plate that is incoherent and crossed out. Along the bust are carved holes through the chest revealing a small grave and mushrooms surrounding it. The headstone reads "Here lies Megan Ocelnik" . A few worms crawl along the woman's body. Splattered and dripped green, black, and beige glaze cover the work. Along the underside of the plate is an imprinted pattern texture.

What is this? This new thing.

Megan Ocelnik


"What is this? This new thing?" represents the death and rebirth of the self as we enter new versions of our self constructs and identity. The altar head serves as a means to burn and cleanse as we move on, but the inner grave stands as a reminder of the past versions we once were. Sometimes these old mannerisms seep through and resurface again. A never ending cycle of holding on and letting go.