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The image depicts a work of embroidery on white fabric. A plus-sized, nude woman is seated on a cloth-covered stool. The background is empty. The woman is rather impressionistic, with vague facial features. The tones of her skin are exaggerated with  pink and cream colored highlights, and gold, brown, and blue shadows. The graphite sketch underneath pokes out from the edges of the thread form. An oval hoop frames the image, which lays on a bed of lace.

Seated Nude

Laura Mackie

Embroidery thread and graphite on cotton, 2021


"Stitched Figures" is a collection of several figure studies and master copies done in thread. "Seated Nude" and its accompanying works engage with the relationship between women and art, referencing the histories of male gaze and the female nude, as well as the underappreciation of historically woman-dominated disciplines such as embroidery.