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Megan LaCroix: Beauty Standards? What the fuck are those?

Beauty Standards? What the fuck are those?

Megan LaCroix

Our fashion and beauty industry is breeding negativity through self deprecating expectations of what people 'should' look like. People of all identities, shapes, sizes and colors are not properly represented at all. This is a photograph of me in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, nude. The text is the color of my nipples selected with the eye drop tool in Illustrator. There is apparent sexism, rape culture, objectification, and many other issues in how we represent people and specifically women in main stream media. My work as an artist and designer is inspiring other humans to let go of comparative thinking, accept yourself for who you are, and never stop growing in life. We are so much more complex than the stereo types and boxes we put ourselves and each other into. Objectification and comparative thinking taught me to never love my body. I thought I was fat or found reasons to not be happy with my body instead of learning beauty comes from within & never to body shame anyone, especially myself. Through rape and assault as a little girl, I learned my body was for the pleasure of others. I learned that I was an object. I learned I had no voice, no choice, no option. Never again will I put myself through such a negative mindset. You are wonderful the way you are and I hope you keep growing, stay inspired, keep expressing, and create as much as you can. Never put a limit on your capabilities. You can do anything. -Megan LaCroix

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