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Carol Beth Yoffee: Grand Canyon Falls

Grand Canyon Falls

Carol Beth Yoffee

My life is built on order. From my shoes, each in their own-labeled box, to my kitchen cabinet filled with dry staples, in their own labeled storage bin. I feel comfortable when I know my life is scheduled. Seed beading offers me the chance to step out of my comfort zone and go beyond the expected. I am inspired by the size, color and shape of my materials, manipulating them until they are woven together, giving me a serene and peaceful feeling, knowing I have taken chaos, and created harmony. I start by beading a very orderly pattern. Then I throw off the piece by including an incompatible bead, disrupting what would otherwise be a perfect layout. Ultimately I am forced to compensate the disorder I have purposely devised and recreate balance. The cycle continues to repeat itself, until I complete the piece. I also enjoy manipulating color and letting the hues find themselves intertwined with each other. Using both geometric patterns, as well as color transitions, I create a sense of completeness, in what seems to be a disorderly rainbow of color. When the piece has a calm feeling, I know I have succeeded in my artistic journey.

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