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Courtney Ignace and Siena  McKim: Feast for Tiny Farmers

Feast for Tiny Farmers

Courtney Ignace and Siena McKim

In Feast for Tiny Farmers, Ento-Mouth invites viewers to step into the world of insects through food. Feast for Tiny Farmers is a culinary abstraction of the ways in which insects contribute to our food system and by extension how they care for us. Feast for Tiny Farmers consists of four distinct serving stations. At each station, the viewer acts as an insect would toward our food system; pollinating flowers, aerating soil, decomposing plant matter, or eating insects that would otherwise harm our foods.

We hope viewers will leave Feast for Tiny Farmers with a renewed sense of wonder, one that encourages caring for the natural world the way insects care for us on a daily basis.