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Gray filaments are opening a passage in front and on the side they stand up like a forest. Those represents the white matter connections of the artist's brain.


Stéphanie Morissette

virtual reality interactive experience, 8 minutes, 2020


In Meanders, we move through this mysterious and labyrinthine universe of fiber bundles that encompass us like a forest to explore, but this fragile environment will be affected by our presence and behavior.

We are first invited to follow a luminous probe to observe from afar what resembles a planet made of filaments. We are then transposed inside the brain’s architecture, on the corpus callosum, between both hemispheres where interactivity begins.

Using Imeka’s ground breaking research on free water as a biomarker of neuroinflammation, on axonal loss and demyelination, Meanders takes us forward in a poetic manner through the aging of the brain. Our movements trigger particles and sounds. The dark space is patrolled by a spotlight projected on us. The more we move, the more we accelerate the aging process which is translated by an intensification of particles, by light agitation and anxiety-induced sounds.

Made in collaboration with Sporobole art center, Imeka (brain imaging cie) and Topo digital art center.