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Image shows a series of six images. The first two are the front and back cover for the zine. Different sections of the full illustrations are featured within this spread. The following four images show pairs of people in different poses and backgrounds. The text behind the four are “Lolita”, “Cyberpunk”, “Academia”, and “Ballroom”.


Dilan Huang

Digital Illustration, 2022

In this work, I created a series of four digital illustrations incorporated within a zine which showcase feminine and masculine bodies in relationship to each other when depicted in poses and clothing that counter popular visual expectations. I explore these popular visual depictions of feminine and masculine bodies to swap their poses as well as parts of their clothing with digital illustration. Through this, the viewer is exposed to the complexity of how pose and clothing combine with the body to influence perceptions of femininity and masculinity. This project aims to subvert the traditional western expectations of both traits and the associations with their visual roles. I researched existing fashion photography containing both masculine and feminine figures and sketched the base of their body and pose before altering the bodies. After their placement in the composition was swapped, I added my own rendition of themed clothing and background for the images. These illustrations were then printed within a zine, laying out the progression of the project, and poster size for viewing.