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Stamps Welcome Leaders

Stamps Welcome Leaders is a cohort-based peer-to-peer program connecting returning undergraduate students with first-year and transfer undergraduate students. The goal is to increase a sense of connection, engagement, and community within the Stamps undergraduate community. This is accomplished through peer-to-peer group interactions guided by Stamps Welcome Leaders (returning Stamps students) who are trained to deliver intentional points of contact and programmatic efforts to first-year Stampers, including transfer students.

Stamps Welcome Leaders aims to engage incoming new students in a hybrid format. Once on campus at the beginning of the fall semester, Stamps Welcome Leaders have the responsibility to engage their respective cohorts of students with regular in-person and virtual check-ins throughout the first month of school while connecting new students to campus resources conducive to students’ transitioning to college.

Recruitment and Application Process

Stamps Welcome Leaders are responsible for creating and maintaining connection and community within their cluster's participants. Throughout the first month of the fall semester, Stamps Welcome Leaders engage new students through various modalities by acquainting, referring, and educating new students to U-M and Stamps resources and campus culture. The selection and training of student welcome leaders will take place at the beginning of each fall semester and weekly check-ins with the group of welcome leaders will be conducted. Being a Stamps Welcome Leader is a paid opportunity.