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Rackham and University Program Funding

Additional fellowships, grants, and scholarships are available through the Rackham Graduate School.

  • The Rackham Conference Travel Grant provides opportunities for Rackham graduate students to present papers and/or posters at academic conferences. Students may apply once per fiscal year. Rackham administered.
  • The Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant is designed to support Rackham graduate students who need assistance to carry out research that advances their progress toward their degree. Rackham administered.
  • The Rackham International Student Fellowship assists outstanding international students, particularly those who may be ineligible for other kinds of support because of citizenship. Rackham administered.
  • Rackham Non-Traditional Fellowships assist master’s students who return to graduate school after an extended absence. Rackham administered.
  • Center for the Education for Women scholarships are available to assist students who have experienced a lapse in education after graduating from high school of at least 48 consecutive or non-consecutive months (not counting interruptions of less than 8 months).
  • Area Studies Centers: The university is home to a number of programs, institutes and centers that provide specialized funding to support research and travel. An example is the International Institute, with 17 area studies centers based on regions around the world.