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Spring Pre-College Programs

Portfolio-building spring programs for high school students interested in art and design.

Spring Pre-College Programs include virtual and in-person studio classes offered in May and early June. Classes are open to current high school students (grades 9 – 12) interested in building new skills for their creative pursuits. Students will receive personalized training and advice from Stamps faculty and staff on building a competitive portfolio.

Applications for Spring 2025 Pre-College Programs are now open: Sign up to receive information about our upcoming programs, register for a pre-college info session, or start your application today.

    Spring Studios

    Spring Studios provide opportunities for deep dives into different areas of art & design. Faculty will lead students in learning new techniques during studio sessions, and provide lectures, demonstrations, and feedback to support covered material. 

    • Twice-weekly afternoon programs include virtual sessions in 2D Illustration, Drawing for Artists & Designers, 4D Animation, Discover Digital Photography, and Graphic Design Essentials, and in-person sessions in Drawing for Artists & Designers and Ceramic Fundamentals.
    • In-person weekend workshops include Drawing Fundamentals, Watercolor Painting, 3D Exploration, and Experiments in Print.
    • 2D Illustration (Virtual)
      Virtual Studio for grades 9-12

      2D Illustration is an online class introducing students to fundamental visualization skills used by artists and designers when working creatively in two dimensions. Students will gain familiarity and hands-on experience with a variety of two-dimensional practices and media.

      This online class is designed to introduce content synchronously and asynchronously. This format will give students opportunities to get direct feedback from their instructor and time to build their skills and to apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      2D Illustration meets online Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-6:25 pm ET for a total of ten sessions.

      • Modality: Virtual
      • Dates: May 5 - June 4, 2025
      • Day/Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5-6:25 pm ET
      • Location: Online
      • Cost: $250.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials and shipping costs. Please note that we will not ship instructional materials internationally.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Drawing for Artists & Designers (Virtual)
      Virtual Studio for grades 9-12

      The ability to draw is essential for all practicing artists and designers. In Drawing for Artists & Designers, students will learn drawing concepts fundamental to contemporary art and design practice. Students will gain knowledge and experience in a variety of approaches, ranging from observational to experimental drawing.

      This online class is designed to introduce content synchronously and asynchronously. This format will give students opportunities to get direct feedback from their instructor and time to build their skills and to apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      Drawing for Artists & Designers is offered in 2 virtual sections for a total of ten sessions.

      Section 1 - Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-7:55 pm ET from May 5 - June 4, 2025

      Section 2 - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-6:25 pm ET from May 6 - June 5, 2025

      • Modality: Virtual
      • Location: Online
      • Cost: $250.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials and shipping costs. Please note that we will not ship instructional materials internationally.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application (section 1) View Application (section 2)
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • 4D Animation (Virtual)
      Virtual Studio for grades 9-12

      4D Animation is an online class introducing students to techniques used by artists and designers when working creatively with the fourth dimension, time. Students will learn the fundamentals of working with time by exploring basic audio, video and animation techniques that can easily be used at home to make creative work.

      This online class is designed to introduce content synchronously and asynchronously. This format will give students opportunities to get direct feedback from their instructor and time to build their skills and to apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      4D Animation
      meets online Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:55 pm ET for a total of ten sessions.

      • Modality: Virtual
      • Dates: May 6 - June 5, 2025
      • Day/Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-7:55 pm ET
      • Location: Online
      • Cost: $250.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials and shipping costs. Please note that we will not ship instructional materials internationally.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Discover Digital Photography (Virtual)
      Virtual Studio for grades 9-12

      Discover Digital Photography is an online class introducing students to technical and aesthetic components of digital photography. Through assignments and critiques, students gain a basic understanding of the history and evolution of photography. Students will become familiar with both contemporary and traditional methods of photographic expression and will engage creatively with photography as a method for problem solving.

      Students will explore using personal devices like smartphones or tablets as tools to create photographs worthy of a portfolio. A specialized digital camera is not required for this program.

      This online class is designed to introduce content synchronously and asynchronously. This format will give students opportunities to get direct feedback from their instructor and time to build their skills and to apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      Discover Digital Photography meets online Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:55 pm ET for a total of ten sessions.

      • Modality: Virtual
      • Dates: May 6 - June 5, 2025
      • Day/Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-7:55 pm ET
      • Location: Online
      • Cost: $250.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials and shipping costs. Please note that we will not ship instructional materials internationally.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Graphic Design Essentials (Virtual)
      Virtual Studio for grades 9-12

      Graphic Design Essentials is an online class introducing students to the fundamental aspects of graphic design. Through hands-on projects and critiques, students will gain a foundational understanding of the elements and principles of design. This program introduces students to topics such as typography, visual identities, print publication layouts and the use of signs and symbols in visual communication.

      Students will explore both contemporary and traditional approaches to graphic design, engaging creatively with the medium as a method for problem solving and communication. By the end of the program, participants will have developed a basic portfolio of graphic design work and understanding of graphic design methods..

      Students will explore using freeware like Canva as a tool to create designs worthy of a portfolio. Specialized software is not required for this program.

      This online class is designed to introduce content synchronously and asynchronously. This format will give students opportunities to receive direct feedback from their instructor while allowing ample time to build their skills and apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations, and visuals will enhance the material covered.

      Graphic Design Essentials
      meets online Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:55 pm ET for a total of nine sessions.

      • Modality: Virtual
      • Dates: May 5 - June 4, 2025
      • Day/Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-7:55 pm ET
      • Location: Online
      • Cost: $250.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials and shipping costs. Please note that we will not ship instructional materials internationally.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Drawing for Artists & Designers (In-Person)
      In-Person Studio for grades 9-12

      The ability to draw is essential for all practicing artists and designers. In Drawing for Artists & Designers, students will learn drawing concepts fundamental to contemporary art and design practice. Students will gain knowledge and experience in a variety of approaches, ranging from observational to experimental drawing. Each class session is structured as studio time, giving students ample opportunity to build their drawing skills and apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      Drawing for Artists & Designers meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-6:30 pm ET for a total of nine sessions. This class will meet in-person at the Stamps School of Art & Design.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Dates: May 5 - June 4, 2025
      • Day/Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 4-6:30 pm ET
      • Location: Stamps School of Art & Design
      • Cost: $325.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Ceramic Fundamentals (In-Person)
      In-Person Studio for grades 9-12

      In Ceramic Fundamentals, participants will explore various methods of creating with clay to produce functional and expressive forms. Students will receive an introduction to creative works and technical processes as they relate to contemporary art. This program will focus on hand-building techniques including coiling, slab-building, surface application with slip and glaze. Problem solving assignments encourage students' individual aesthetic development and interests and their relationship to contemporary art and design practices. Lectures, demonstrations, and slides will enhance covered material.

      Ceramics Fundamentals meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-6:30 pm ET for a total of ten sessions. This class will meet in-person at the Stamps School of Art & Design.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Dates: May 6 - June 5, 2025
      • Day/Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-6:30 pm ET
      • Location: Stamps School of Art & Design
      • Cost: $325.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application

      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Weekend Workshop: Drawing Fundamentals (In-Person)
      In-Person Studio for grades 9-12

      The ability to draw is essential for all practicing artists and designers. In Weekend Workshop: Drawing Fundamentals, students will learn drawing concepts fundamental to contemporary art and design practice. Students will gain knowledge and experience in a variety of approaches, ranging from observational to experimental drawing. Each class session is structured as studio time, giving students ample opportunity to build their drawing skills and apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      Weekend Workshop: Drawing Fundamentals meets on Saturdays from 9:30 am-12:00 pm for a total of four sessions. This class will meet in-person at the Stamps School of Art & Design.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Dates: May 10 - June 7, 2025
      • Day/Time: Saturdays, 9:30 am-12:00 pm ET
      • Location: Stamps School of Art & Design
      • Cost: $175.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Weekend Workshop: Watercolor Painting (In-Person)
      In-Person Studio for grades 9-12

      In Weekend Workshop: Watercolor Painting, students will learn concepts and techniques fundamental to watercolor painting. Students will gain experience using this material to explore composition, color and working from direct observation. Each class session is structured as studio time, giving students ample opportunity to build their watercolor painting skills. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      Weekend Workshop: Watercolor Painting
      meets on Saturdays from 9:30 am-12:00 pm for a total of four sessions. This class will meet in-person at the Stamps School of Art & Design.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Dates: May 10 - June 7, 2025
      • Day/Time: Saturdays, 9:30 am-12:00 pm ET
      • Location: Stamps School of Art & Design
      • Cost: $175.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Weekend Workshop: 3D Exploration (In-Person)
      In-Person Studio for grades 9-12

      Did you know that all Stamps undergraduate students are required to take Studio: 3D as a part of their first year experience? Adding three-dimensional work to your portfolio is a great way to prepare for our undergraduate curriculum!

      3D Exploration is an in-person class that surveys the elements of 3D design and introduces students to the rigor of a college-level course in 3D Design and/or Sculpture. Students will learn the fundamentals of working with form and space by exploring materials and processes used to create three-dimensional works of art and design. Each class session is structured as studio time, giving students ample opportunity to build skills and apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      3D Exploration
      meets Saturdays from 1-3:30 pm for a total of four sessions. This class will meet in-person at the Stamps School of Art & Design.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Dates: May 10 - June 7, 2025
      • Day/ Time: Saturdays, 1-3:30 pm ET
      • Location: Stamps School of Art & Design
      • Cost: $175.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Weekend Workshop: Experiments in Print (In-Person)
      In-Person Studio for grades 9-12

      Take your portfolio to the next level with Experiments in Print, an in-person class that introduces an expansive view on printmaking, encouraging experimentation and innovation within traditional and emerging media.

      Class demonstrations introduce making and printing images in color from a variety of surfaces and cover a range of single and multi-plate methods. Through hands-on projects, students engage print concepts such as multiplicity, serialization, and sequence. Each class session is structured as studio time, giving students ample opportunity to build skills and apply new concepts. Lectures, demonstrations and slides will enhance covered material.

      Experiments in Print
      meets Saturdays from 1-3:30 pm ET for a total of four sessions. This class will meet in-person at the Stamps School of Art & Design.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Dates: May 10 - June 7, 2025
      • Day/Time: Saturdays, 1-3:30 pm ET
      • Location: Stamps School of Art & Design
      • Cost: $175.00

        This program fee includes instructional materials.

        Upon acceptance to the program, a $50 nonrefundable deposit will be required to confirm your attendance and reserve your space in the program. This deposit is included in the overall program fee. If you withdraw from the program after classes begin, no portion of your tuition will be refunded.


      View Application
      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    Spring Events

    Spring Events are single session opportunities for in-person creative practice.

    Explore the University of Michigan with our series of in-person Drawing on Campus sessions, held at three different U‑M facilities on the Ann Arbor campus. Participants will gain insider knowledge about a location through a guided tour, then will practice their observational drawing skills by working directly onsite. These programs are ideal for students with varied interests; art, natural sciences, history, musicology, athletics, and more. Participants are welcome to register for just one program or both.

    • Drawing on Campus: Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments (SMTD)
      In-Person Event for grades 9-12

      In this session, you will practice drawing skills in the Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments at the School of Music, Theater and Dance. The Stearns Collection comprises more than 3,000 historical and contemporary musical instruments from all over the world. Built on an initial gift from Frederick Stearns in 1899, the collection is internationally renowned for its diversity, exhibiting and promoting instruments from cultures on six continents. Drawing time will be accompanied with a guided tour of the collection and a short musical performance of instruments from the collection. This program will not only help you elevate your technical drawing skills, but will also inspire a passion for music, culture and preservation.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Date: Friday, May 9, 2025
      • Time: 4-7 pm ET
      • Location: North Campus Research Complex, Building 550, 1600 Huron Parkway, Ann Arbor, MI
      • Cost: $50.00 (this program fee includes instructional materials and security deposit)


      View Application

      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Drawing on Campus: Nichols Arboretum (The Arb)
      In-Person Event for grades 9-12

      In this session, you will practice drawing skills in the Nichols Arboretum. Affectionately known as "The Arb," this living 123 acre nature area features over 400 species of plants, including 110 species of trees. Participants will explore several natural attractions, including specialty gardens, thematic areas, dispersed collections, culturally significant landscapes, natural areas, and active zones dedicated to ecosystem restoration. Drawing time will be accompanied with a guided hike around the arboretum. This program will not only help you elevate your technical drawing skills, but will also inspire curiosity in landscape drawing, environmental studies, arboriculture and floriculture.

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Date: Friday, May 16, 2025
      • Time: 4-6:30 pm ET
      • Location: James D. Reader Jr. Urban Environmental Education Center, 1610 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI
      • Cost: $50.00 (this program fee includes instructional materials and security deposit)


      View Application

      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    • Drawing on Campus: Michigan Stadium (The Big House)
      In-Person Event for grades 9-12

      In this session, you will practice drawing skills in Michigan Stadium, nicknamed “The Big House”. Michigan Stadium is the largest stadium in the United States and the Western Hemisphere, the third-largest stadium in the world, and the 34th-largest sports venue in the world. Drawing time will be accompanied with a guided tour of the stadium, including access to the playing field. This program will not only help you elevate your technical drawing skills, but will also offer a special opportunity to explore an architectural marvel and learn about the University of Michigan’s tradition of excellence in athletics. Go Blue!

      • Modality: In-Person
      • Date: Friday, June 6, 2025
      • Time: 4-6:30 pm ET
      • Location: Michigan Stadium, 1201 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI
      • Cost: $50.00 (this program fee includes instructional materials and security deposit)


      View Application

      • Early Action Deadline: February 1, 2025
      • Application Deadline Extended: March 14, 2025

      Financial Assistance

      Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the ​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials.


      Contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.

    Application Instructions

    Step 1: Apply

    • Students must apply to each Stamps Pre-College Studio, Event, and Workshop they’d like to attend separately. Visit the individual links for each program above, or view all opportunities and start applying here.

    • Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the​Financial Assistance application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials

    • Our Spring/​Summer Early Action Deadline is February 1, 2025: If you submit applications by this date, you’ll receive your decision by March 1 to help lock in Spring or Summer plans.

    • All applications must be completed by 11:59 pm EST on our Final Application Deadline, which has been extended until March 14, 2025.

    Step 2: Review

    • A Pre-College Program staff will review each individual program application and render an admissions decision.

    • Pre-College Program staff will review each individual application for need-based financial assistance.

    • Pre-College Program staff will contact the applicant and the parent, legal guardian, or caretaker they listed in their application with additional information and next steps.

    Step 3: Register

    • After receiving the acceptance email from Pre-College Program staff, a parent, legal guardian, or caretaker must complete a youth participant’s registration by the date stated in the acceptance email to secure their place in the Stamps Pre-College programs.

    • Parents, legal guardians, or caretakers will follow the link on the participant’s acceptance email and create an account using their own email address (not the participant’s email address).

    • Parents/​legal guardians will select a term: Registration 2025. Participants will refer to their acceptance email for instruction.

    Step 4: Pay Deposit

    • After registration, a deposit is required to secure a youth participant’s place in each program.

    • A deposit invoice will be sent via email from BITeam@​umich.​edu. All invoices will be billed to the default parent, legal guardian, or caretaker.

    • Parents, legal guardians/​caretakers will submit payment following the instructions and due date outlined on the invoice for the deposit.

    • Deposits are non-refundable.

    Step 5: Pay Balance

    • An invoice with the remaining balance will be sent 30 days before the start of the program. Participants will refer to their acceptance email for instruction.

    • An invoice for the remaining balance will be sent via email by BITeam@​umich.​edu. All invoices will be billed to the default parent, legal guardian or caretaker.

    • Parents, legal guardians/​caretakers will submit payment following the instructions and due date outlined on the invoice for the remaining balance.


    Scholarships are available to select students who have registered for the program. A limited number of full and partial awards will be provided to students who demonstrate need and merit. Students seeking financial assistance for Stamps Pre-College Studios and Events must complete the​ Financial Assistance Application with the help of a parent/​guardian and provide all required materials. 


    Please contact us with any questions about our Pre-College programs.