VanVoorhis Paintings Find Permanent Home at UMBS

In May 2021, U‑M’s Biological Station (UMBS) announced Stamps instructor and 2019 Biological Station Artist-in-Residence Cathy VanVoorhis donated paintings of her favorite bio-station field sites to the UMBS community.
Over the course of her residency, VanVoorhis led drawing workshops and created paintings. Her donated paintings are on view at the Biological Station and in this M‑Box gallery.
The U‑M Biological Station is located in Cheboygan County, Michigan and inhabits ~10,000 contiguous acres on and around Douglas Lake. The core mission of the University of Michigan Biological Station is to advance environmental field research, engage students in scientific discovery using ecosystems and their organismal constituents as objects of study, and provide information needed to better understand and sustain natural systems at local through global scales.
“I deeply cherish the time that I got to be at UMBS. The warm sense of community, interesting lectures and conversations, beautiful setting, earnest students, the fun of discovery — it all made it one of the best experiences of my life,” says VanVoorhis.