Valencia Robin Grice Featured in New York Times

Stamps alum Valencia Robin Grice (MFA ‘08), who goes by the pen name Valencia Robin, was recently featured in the New York Times for the publication of her book of poetry, Ridiculous Light: Poems. Her work was featured in the New & Noteworthy section, with the following review: “The narrative lyrics in this debut collection travel from intimate to socio-historical and back again, finding room for routine wonders like the sunset over Lake Michigan: ‘Do you grow moody / and out of sorts without your daily hit of miraculous?’”
Valencia Robin is a painter, curator, arts professional, editor, and one of the founders of GalleryDAAS at U‑M, although much of her creative focus is on poetry. Ridiculous Light is her debut collection of poetry, and it won Persea Books’ 2018 Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize in Poetry. Her poems have appeared in numerous collections and she is the recipient of various grants and fellowships, including the Cave Canem Fellowship.
For more information on Valencia Robin and her work, visit her website at