Takeshi Yamada: 1st Prize, 2014 Carnivorous Nights

Takeshi Yamada (MFA ‘87) won the First Prize for his rogue taxidermy artworks “Five-headed Monster from the Hell” and “Giant Space Alien Skull” in the 2014 Carnivorous Nights: Taxidermy Contest, held at the Bell House in Brooklyn, New York on April 6, 2014.
Five heads of this monster represent Hell, Hunger, Animosity, Anger, and the Devil in the Sixth Heaven. This is a monster to stop our personal growth and enlightenment. It is everywhere, especially in New York City, heavily infested by criminals with skyrocketing high crime rate. I faced a big monster when my house was destroyed with over 60 inch of salt water by the Hurricane Sandy, in the middle of creating two commissioned giant rogue taxidermy artworks for the upcoming new AMC television series “Immortalized” (8 episodes), which I was one of four stars of the program. My artworks were saved on the 2nd floor but I had to work with no heat, no electricity, no working telephones at the end of October and the beginning of the November. I also had to protect my house from burglars already breaking into my areas. After the TV show, I spent more time and work for my “Five-Headed Monster from the Hell” and submitted it for this major taxidermy art competition this year.
A dozen photos of Yamada and his Rogue Taxidermy Artworks were prominently featured
in the NY Village Voice.