Susan Hensel: Fall Exhibitions

Susan Hensel’s (BFA 1972) THE OPHELIA PROJECT is on exhibition at Riverland Community College, Austin, MN, August 25- September 26 and at the MacRostie Art Center, Macrostie Art Center, Grand Rapids, MN in February 2015. This project seeks to discover female authenticity. The project includes ten elaborate drawings with mixed media on handmade paper; video; sound; a 30-minute performance and evocative objects that can be manipulated by the viewer.
I Dwell in Impossibility, a collaboration with photographer John Hensel, is at the Larson Art Gallery, University of Minnesota, November 7- Dec 24, 2014.The imagery reveals a transgressive combination of outright sexual power with outright male power. There is a certain shamanistic aspect to this, the mysterious power of birth vs. the physical male strength and political power.
Hensel’s Jerome Foundation project, Wearing My Age, opens November 13, with the other Jerome grantees in TRUTH TELLING at Concordia University Art Gallery, St. Paul, MN. The premise is that our clothes communicate depending on age and gender. You might think of it as “fashion as self-publishing.”