Susan Funkenstein Presents at CORD + SDHS Annual Conference

Stamps Lecturer Susan Funkenstein recently presented at the Congress on Research in Dance + Society of Dance History Scholars Annual Conference, held in Pomona, CA, November 3 – 6, 2016. Her paper, “Appropriating BIZ: Dance, Dada, and Gender in Hannah Höch’s Early Weimar Photomontages,” explored how the Dadaist’s sampling of dance imagery from a popular German illustrated newspaper in 1919 – 20 emphasized outmoded forms of dance. In contrast to other scholars that envision Höch’s dancers as emancipated women, Susan contends that these dancers may also symbolize tradition and alignments with patriarchal structures of power, a note of pessimism precisely when women were gaining the vote and other freedoms in a newly democratic Germany. Funkenstein’s travel was generously supported by Stamps’ Lecturer Professional Development Fund.
CORD + SDHS 2016
November 3 – 6, 2016
Pomona College
Claremont, CA