Sue Rynski: Detroit Institute of Arts Acquisition & Exhibition, Research Project

The Detroit Institute of Arts has purchased four of Sue Rynski’s (BFA 1977) photographs from the late 1970s Detroit punk rock underground. The images of performances by The Boners, Iggy Pop, Patti Smith and Fred “Sonic” Smith, and Destroy All Monsters will be featured in Detroit After Dark: Photographs from the DIA’s Collection, on display at the DIA from October 21, 2016 to April 23, 2017. A special preview in presence of the artists will be held on the evening of October 20, 2016, and an exhibition book will also be published.
Rynski has also joined the French research project Punk Is Not Dead (PIND), under the auspices of the Thalim/Univ Paris 3, to provide field and visual research. It is the first interdisciplinary scholarly study on punk music, history, and culture specific to France. In conjunction with the PIND study’s inaugural seminar in November 2016, an exhibition of Rynski’s work in progress, featuring images of 21st century alternative rock music scenes, will open at the FGO-Barbara music center, 1 rue Fleury, Paris, France.