Steven Cole: a Performance Artist Returns to the Scene

In 2012, Steven Cole (BFA ‘69) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Ozone Homecoming Parade with a return to costumed performance art.
Do you remember the Ozone Homecoming Parade? That was in 1972. It replaced the traditional U of M Homecoming Parade which was cancelled that year. I won first prize for a float, in my costume composed of plastic flowers, american flags, beer cans, and other bits of American culture. I strolled around in this costume at the Ann Arbor Art Fair, too, during the early seventies, as well as doing other performance art at the Ann Arbor Film Festival.
In 2012, the 50th anniversary of the Festival arrived. After a long hiatus in my performing career, I felt inspired to get involved with this event by a revival of my costuming skills. The result is this outfit, in which I attended the Festival, and which has prompted some to call me Tie Guy.
Wearing this, I have returned to the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair to again stroll around and to enjoy sharing with my audience this playful departure from the ordinary.