Stamps Students Receive Top Honors at Campus Movie Festival
Stamps students Sophie Hullinger (BFA '20) and Natalie Nye (BFA '20) were awarded top honors for their 4-minute animated comedy film, How to Get a Job at the 2019 Campus Movie Festival(CMF) competition at the University of Michigan.
“In this extraordinary effort, Sophie and Natalie produced the animated short in less than a week. The production combines live action and stop motion animation with a funny script that satirizes the anxiety of preparing for a job interview,” said Professor David Chung.
“Existing in the university setting for four years, it is hard not to notice the overwhelming pressure to present yourself as the most desirable, deserving, career-driven version of yourself possible,” said Hullinger.

The world's largest student film festival, CMF is the only event of its kind to provide free equipment and training to all of its participants. Through CMF, students have one week to create their own short movies, with each school hosting red carpet premieres to showcase its top movies.
Four award-winners from each school — including Hullinger and Nye — move on to compete against hundreds of other top shorts at CMF TERMINUS, the culminating event for the annual Campus Movie Fest Tour in June 2020. Here, the very best student films from across the country will screen throughout the weekend, and compete for national honors.
“We made this film to represent the thoughts of many students like us, so we found their positive feedback especially rewarding,” said Nye. “We are super excited to meet more talented, creative-minded animators and filmmakers at Terminus and even more so because we get to experience the event together.”