Stamps School Co-Organizes 2019 Ewha International Design Conference

The Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design is proud to announce the Ewha International Design Conference: Future Direction of Design Education, May 7 – 8, 2019 at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea.
Featuring talks by Stamps School Dean, Guna Nadarajan; Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Professor, Elona Van Gent; Assistant Professor Deepa Butoliya; and a workshop by Stamps Professors Bruce and Stephanie Tharp, the conference brings together design professors who will be deliberating on emerging trends and future directions in design education in universities in accordance with the trend of the fourth industrial revolution. The conference brings together scholars and designers from US, Korea, Japan and China who will share and learn from each other’s design educational philosophies and methods.
The conference is co-organized by the College of Art and Design of Ewha Womans University and the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan with participation from Tama Art University, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2019 Ewha International Design Conference | Ewha Womans University