Stamps at Mexican Human-Computer Interaction Conference

Assistant Professor Omar Sosa-Tzec represented the Stamps School in MexIHC 2018, the 7th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, which took place in Merida Yucatan this past October 29 – 31. Prof. Sosa-Tzec has been actively involved with the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community in Mexico from its beginning.
Creator of the logo for this conference, Communications Chair, and paper reviewer, Professor Sosa-Tzec participated in this year conference as the Program Committee Chair. Proceedings of this conference will be published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), one of the most significant associations in the world concerning computer science and technology studies.
Professor Sosa-Tzec presented two research posters at this conference. One of these posters is concerned with how user experience designers talk about delight on the web. Professor Sosa-Tzec identified two perspectives, one that regards delight as a matter of motion and appearance, and another that is concerned with functionality and efficiency. In his poster, Prof. Sosa-Tzec introduces the third perspective to set the basis of an account of delight in interactive systems.
The second poster is an outcome of a collaborative research project with a faculty and student from the University of Yucatan, in Mexico. This research investigates the use of augmented reality to support the learning of mathematics in high-schoolers.
Regarding his participation in MexIHC 2018, Prof. Sosa-Tzec remarks, “HCI is interdisciplinary by nature. I am honored to represent not only UM but also Stamps and show that our school’s research embraces interdisciplinary. MexIHC has been a great opportunity to learn about state of the art regarding HCI and Interaction Design in Mexico and identifying areas of research that we can develop in Stamps in collaboration with other units, with a potential impact not only to the United States but also abroad.”