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Stamps Pre-College Announces Launch of "Stamps Pre-College Anytime"

Stamps Pre College Anytime Primary Social Image 1 Michael Neville

The Stamps Pre-College team is thrilled to announce the launch of Stamps Pre-College Anytime, a new online course available on Michigan Online. This innovative course is designed to introduce pre-college learners to foundational concepts and techniques in art and design, offering a flexible and accessible learning opportunity to a global audience.

In 2022, Michael Neville, Director of Pre-College Programs and Outreach, received a $10,000 Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) Award from the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation. This award supported the development of an art and design course specifically targeting a pre-college audience, a first for the Michigan Online platform. The course was developed in close collaboration with talented teams from the Center for Academic Innovation and the Stamps School of Art and Design, including Blanca Echeverria, Sophia Bentley, Adrian Deva, and Nora Venturelli.

Course Overview:

Developed as a Massive Open Online Course or MOOC, Stamps Pre-College Anytime provides learners with interactive lectures, hands-on exercises, and opportunities for peer discussion. The course covers fundamental drawing techniques, the historical and cultural value of visual communication, and strategies for creating a portfolio of creative work for college applications.

This course is primarily targeting an audience of high school students (ages 13 – 18). However, the course also aims to be a community resource, supporting adult learners, prospective transfer students, teachers, and community-based organizations — any individual interested in exploring art and design more deeply. 

Some key features and learning objectives of Stamps Pre-College Anytime are:

  • Reflect on the history and contemporary practices of art and design.

  • Develop a conceptual and technical understanding of observational and visualization drawing.

  • Utilize photography techniques to document and present artwork.

  • Build an engaging portfolio for college applications.

  • Explore opportunities at the Stamps School of Art & Design and the University of Michigan.

The course officially went live on September 23, 2024, and is now open for enrollment through Michigan Online. Interested learners can access the course via the following link: https://​online​.umich​.edu/​c​o​u​r​s​e​s​/​a​r​t​s​c​u​l​t​u​r​e101/.

For more information, please visit: https://​stamps​.umich​.edu/​p​r​e​-​c​o​llege.