Stamps Community at the 108th Annual CAA Conference
The Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design joins over 5,000 art historians, artists, designers, and visual arts professionals for the College Art Association’s 108th annual conference, taking place February 12-15, 2020 in Chicago.
Exploring the complexities, challenges, and opportunities of the field, the conference includes a full program of workshops, distinguished speaker panels, opportunities to network, and a celebrated Book and Trade Fair.
Many Stamps faculty, students, and alums will be in attendance and presenting. A list of presenters from our school community is as follows.
Wednesday, February 12
8:30-10 am: As part of the Reflections on Colorism session, Stamps alum and session co-chair Stephanie Brown (MFA ‘18) will present “I Am Enough.”

2-3:30 pm: The Intersectional Engagements: practicing art and design with human and nonhuman communities session, co-chaired by Jane Prophet, Associate Dean for Research, Creative Work, and Strategic Initiatives at the Stamps School, will feature two Stamps faculty members, two current MDes students, and one Stamps alum:
- Associate Dean Jane Prophet will present “Deepening Public Engagement with Chronic Pain Research: an intersectional approach to co-creation.”
- Colleen Clark (MDes ‘20) and Jenn Low (MDes ‘20) will present “MakingSPACE for Youth Perspectives.”
- Stamps alum Ruth K. Burke (MFA ‘17) will present “Interspecies Reciprocal Inquiry as Socially-Engaged Co-Labor/Collaboration”
- Associate Professor Irina Aristarkhova will serve as the discussant for the session.

2-3 pm: Stamps Professor and Vice-President of Diversity and Inclusion for the College Art Association Audrey Bennett will co-host an Ideas Exchange entitled: Considerations in Designing for Underserved, Underrepresented, and Marginalized Communities: Successes, Barriers, and Challenges.
Friday, February 14
8:30 am-10 am: As part of the Design Studies Forum Diversifying Diversity: Addressing Marginalized Global Communities through Design, co-chaired by Stamps Professor Audrey Bennett, three Stamps professors will present:
- Assistant Professor Kelly Murdoch-Kitt will present “Visualizing Cultural Values and Biases.”
- Professor Audrey Bennett will present “Places to Intervene in the Global Food System: Defining Problems That Designers Should Address.”

4-5 pm: As part of the Connecting Global Issues in the Classroom session, Stamps Assistant Professor Kelly Murdoch-Kitt will present “United through design: Intercultural teams converge to tackle global challenges.” Murdoch-Kitt will be presenting with her co-author and collaborator Denielle Janine Emans of VCUarts Qatar. Together, Murdoch-Kitt and Emans authored the book Intercultural Collaboration by Design: Drawing from Differences, Distances, and Disciplines Through Visual Thinking (Routledge, 2020).

4-5:30 pm: As part of the Feminisms and Democracy: Feminist Art Changing the Game session, Stamps Associate Professor Irina Aristarkhova presents “Soft Democracy of BuroMoscow,” a talk about how architectural and design projects of Buromoscow in Moscow enable alternative forms of living in the city. Aristarkhova’s recent book is Arrested Welcome: Hospitality in Contemporary Art (The University of Minnesota Press, 2020).

4-5:30 pm: As part of Technological Frontiers: Design Incubation Colloquium 6.2, Stamps Assistant Professor Omar Sosa-Tzec will present “Design Delight: A Framework For The Analysis And Generation Of Pleasurable Designs.”

6-7 pm: As part of Teaching Design in an Age of Interaction, Stamps Assistant Professor Omar Sosa-Tzec will present “Teaching Design, Information, and Interaction: Reflections, Foundations, and Competences.”
Saturday, February 15
10:30 am-noon: As part of the Indecent Exposure: The Body in the 21st Century Creative Process session, two Stamps professors will present:
- Associate Professor Cynthia Pachikara presents Bodily Immersion in Light
- Professor Holly Hughes presents Indeliable – The feminist performance art of Christine Blasey Ford