Stamps Commencement 2023: Creatives Celebrate Achievement
Students, friends, and family gathered with the Stamps community on Saturday, April 29 for the annual Commencement Celebration at the North Campus Research Complex. More than 100 students took part in the ceremonial event that honored the accomplishments of undergraduate and graduate students at the Stamps School of Art & Design.
Alum Cecilia Méndez-Ortiz (MFA ‘02) delivered the keynote address, encouraging students to never “reject themselves,” telling them, “As you embark on this next beginning, of course, you have so much more to learn — we all do, all the time. But with respect to where you are right now, trust fully in the ways that you are, however much in process that may be. You will continue to scribble and evolve as humans in this world, and y’all deserve every opportunity to make, manifest your collective dreams.”

Each student was also given the opportunity to say some parting words to the crowd, sharing stories, memories, and messages of love and appreciation.
A list of all award recipients is listed below, and a full video of the commencement ceremony can be viewed here.
2023 Commencement Award Recipients
Jean Paul Slusser Award for the MFA Thesis Project
Oksana Briukhovetska
Emerson Granillo
Michelle Hinojosa
Nicholas La Marca
Sebastian Llovera
Barbara Pearsall
Peter Stack
Jean Paul Slusser Award for the MDes Thesis Project
Niki Fairchild-Azevedo
Joie Zhang

Summa Cum Laude Graduates
Sky Christoph
Reyne Lesnau
Caitlin Martens
Samuel Turner
The Candy R. Wei Prize for International Study
Anders Lundin
Olivia Ortiz
Kristina Rogers
Emily Tamulewicz

Integrative Project and BA Capstone Award
Paulina Braverman
Natalie Bultman
Olivia Joy Colasanti
Gabriel Salvatore Consiglio
Madison Grosvenor
Taylor Henegar
Casey (Row) Rheault
Kristina Rogers
Elle Schwiderson
Samuel Turner
Senior Studio Award
Reyne Lesnau

Integrative Project Written Thesis Award
Andrea Ziemkowski
Gorman Award
Sky Christoph
Big Idea Award Finalists
Sky Christoph
Pheiv Kurtz
Edward Shimborske
Big Idea Award Recipient