Srimoyee Mitra, Stamps Gallery Featured in Grant News

In January, 2020, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts named the Stamps Gallery in downtown Ann Arbor as one of the Fall 2019 grant recipients, with $80K in support for 2020 – 2021 exhibitions, programs, and publications. Grant News reported on the story.
Director of Stamps Gallery, Srimoyee Mitra spoke on the gallery receiving this grant: “The grant is a testament to the Stamps Gallery’s exhibitions and programs, which foster vibrant and inclusive experiences for presentation, discussion, and inquiry into the urgent questions and concerns of our time.”
Upcoming exhibitions that will be shown at the Stamps Gallery will include topics like migration and stateless people, as well as other hot-button topics like environmental justice and climate change. Other topics being hit on by future exhibitions also include artificial intelligence and automation in contemporary art, and feminist cultural critique. These have been more and more prominent amongst recent modern art themes. This grant will help expand artistic culture to a greater number and further the cause of social change through art.
Doing It For the Art: The Andy Warhol Foundation Grants $80,000 to Gallery | Grant News