Srimoyee Mitra on Augmented / Artificial Intelligence for SLSA Special Event

The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) is hosting a Special Fall Event on the Promises and Perils of Augmented / Artificial Intelligence on Thursday, October 8, 2020, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (EST). As part of this event, Stamps Gallery Director Srimoyee Mitra will be in conversation with artist Stephanie Dinkins, whose work appeared in the 2018 Stamps Gallery exhibition, Dialogues on Memory and Desire and was part of the 2018 Stamps Gallery Symposium, Talking About a Revolution: Art, Design, and the Institution. Stamps School professor Irina Aristarkhova will introduce Mitra and Dinkins for the event. Their discussion is entitled: “Expanding AI: A conversation with artist Stephanie Dinkins and Srimoyee Mitra, Director, Stamps Gallery.”
The Promises and Perils of Augmented / Artificial Intelligence event is free and open to the public.
SLSA 2020 Special Event: AI / IA: Promises and Perils of Augmented / Artificial Intelligence