Srimoyee Mitra Moderates at Alternate Assembly Symposium

Stamps Gallery Director Srimoyee Mitra will moderate Perspectives on Water: Land Rights, Accessibility & Histories on January 21, 2021 at noon EST. This free, virtual panel discussion is part of the Alternate Assembly: Environmental Impact in the Era of Pandemic, organized by EXPO CHICAGO.
Panelists include Oscar Tuazon, Carolina Caycedo, and Shuddhabrata Sengupta.
This panel invites artists who have initiated further investigations into the histories of water in terms of land rights and clean water accessibility in lakes, rivers, and oceans, to explore the cultural ways in which water bridges communities both locally and globally. Highlighting the often-unseen political history that water and its major infrastructures has, this discussion will question how different sociopolitical backgrounds affect one’s relationship to sustainability. The conversation, moderated by past Curatorial Forum participant Srimoyee Mitra, will address the long lineage art has played within narratives surrounding environmental activism.