Sophia Brueckner: University Record Faculty Spotlight

Stamps Assistant Professor Sophia Brueckner was recently featured in a University Record Faculty Spotlight.
When most people think of a cyborg, they may think of a half-human, half-machine hybrid akin to Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator.”
Sophia Brueckner would argue a bit differently about what being a cyborg means, as she considers herself to be one.
“To me, being a cyborg doesn’t just mean biohacking or body modification. There are other ways we become part human and part machine,” said the assistant professor of art and design, and of information.
“One time, I painted all of my childhood computers from memory, and the paintings unintentionally looked just like the old computer games I used to play. It was uncanny. Those games and the software I consumed growing up structured my memories and how I think.
“I can’t separate who I am from the technologies that shaped me, and that’s when I realized I was a cyborg. We are all cyborgs, but most of us don’t realize it.”
Art & Design professor aims to make technology more personable | University Record Faculty Spotlight