Sophia Brueckner Featured in ‘Not of This Earth: Contemporary Art and Science Fiction’

Stamps Assistant Professor Sophia Brueckner’s Empathy Box is featured in the new exhibition Not of this Earth: Contemporary Art and Science Fiction, on display January 14 — February 26 at Boston Cyberarts Gallery.
Not of this Earth: Contemporary Art and Science Fiction is an exhibition comprised of art relating to science fiction. Sci-fi has been a prevailing method of entertainment and consideration of the seemingly possible consequences of technological advancement. The artworks in this exhibition consider these possible alternate realities and dystopian futures long perpetuated by the sci-fi genre. Some pieces in the show are purposeful instruments such as Sophia Breuckner’s Empathy Box, which provides its users a sense of shared contact through warmth. In a world of technological distraction, Empathy Box attempts to provide comfort through perceived physical connectivity. A technological device itself, the piece yields an alternate use of electronics and asks the viewer to consider the ways in which technology may impact our lives presently and in the future.
Artists in this exhibition include Sophia Brueckner, Micah Ganske, Tatiana Gulenkina, Carol Hayes, Michael Lewy, Joseph Popper, Chris Rackley, and Marion Tampon-Lajarriette.
Not of this Earth: Contemporary Art and Science Fiction
Boston Cyberarts Gallery
January 14 – February 26, 2017
Opening: Friday, January 13 from 6 — 8 pm