Sophia Brueckner Featured in + / -, an Exhibition of Digitally Fabricated Artwork

Stamps Assistant Professor Sophia Brueckner is featured +/- (Plus/Minus), an exhibition of contemporary sculpture and video opening September 8 at the Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford’s Hartford Art School.
+/- features the work of nine artists who have embraced digital technologies, exploring the myriad ways they can enhance and aid in the creation of their artwork.
“Through (+) additive and (-) subtractive technologies like rapid prototyping (3D printing) and CNC machining, artists are able to make objects almost directly from mind into matter. This exhibition — the first in the Hartford Art School’s new Kohn Joseloff Guest Curator Series — seeks to explore the results that occur when technology meets the production of artistic sculpture. In addition, the technology of augmented reality appears to be both additive and subtractive literally making something out of nothing.”
The exhibition was curated by George Fifield, the founder and director of Boston Cyberarts Inc., a nonprofit arts organization, which produces the Boston Cyberarts Festival.
Brueckner’s featured works, Windows, is a series of paintings derived from the 1993 DOS computer game, Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos.
Using computer code, I translate the condensed landscapes seen from tiny castle windows within the game to 3D models. I fabricate these forms on a CNC milling machine and then paint by hand the original images back onto the objects.
+/- (Plus/Minus)
September 8 through October 21, 2015
Exhibition Opening September 8, 2015
Joseloff Gallery
Hartford Art School
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117